Please help with my submission


Feb 2, 2004
I am resorting to this forum out of desperation. Since I launched my site over a year ago I have submitted it to ODP several times. As a free health & nutrition database resource I submitted it to Health: Nutrition: Resources.
In all this time it has never been listed. No-one has even explained why or even replied to me.
I think it is such a valuable free resource it really deserves to be included, and there is virtually no commercial content beyond a couple of ads for my books.
Please can someone tell me if I have chosen the wrong category to submit to, or perhaps should I be submitting all the deep links separately to their various relevant categories. (However I thought one wasn't supposed to do that..?)
Linda :confused:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
lazarides said:
In all this time it has never been listed. No-one has even explained why or even replied to me.
I think it is such a valuable free resource it really deserves to be included, and there is virtually no commercial content beyond a couple of ads for my books.
Please can someone tell me if I have chosen the wrong category to submit to, or perhaps should I be submitting all the deep links separately to their various relevant categories. (However I thought one wasn't supposed to do that..?)
Linda :confused:

The submittal guidelines will clear up some of your confusion. You should not be submitting the deep links separately PERIOD.

Reading the editing guidelines will clear up more. Editors are strongly encouraged not to reply to submitters. Either the submittal is valuable, and the proper response is to add it -- or the submitter is not helping, and it is foolish or dangerous to let them know your e-mail address.


Feb 2, 2004
How do I know the editor has even looked at my submittal?

hutcheson said:
The submittal guidelines will clear up some of your confusion. You should not be submitting the deep links separately PERIOD.

Reading the editing guidelines will clear up more. Editors are strongly encouraged not to reply to submitters. Either the submittal is valuable, and the proper response is to add it -- or the submitter is not helping, and it is foolish or dangerous to let them know your e-mail address.

Now I feel like you think I am a naughty child who must just accept that they have a "bad" website. How do I know the editor has even looked at my submittal? Even the very first link in the health>nutrition>resources is a dead link. The category appears to have no editor.
I do appreciate that editors are busy, overworked volunteers. All I can do is repeat my original question. Should I have submitted to a different category to get my site accepted?
Linda :(


Mar 26, 2002
Nobody said you had a bad website. Let me translate what hutcheson said for your. You should not submit any other URL from your website besides . Please do not submit the search subdirectory or any other sub page of your site. If the reviewing editor decides that additional areas of the site should be indexed then they will either list them or send them to be reviewed in the proper category.

So I repeat, please do not submit any other url besides and only submit that url once to the category you think it best fits. Thank you and have a Great Day!


Jul 19, 2002
lazarides said:
I am resorting to this forum out of desperation. Since I launched my site over a year ago I have submitted it to ODP several times. As a free health & nutrition database resource I submitted it to Health: Nutrition: Resources.
In all this time it has never been listed. No-one has even explained why or even replied to me.
I think it is such a valuable free resource it really deserves to be included, and there is virtually no commercial content beyond a couple of ads for my books.
Please can someone tell me if I have chosen the wrong category to submit to, or perhaps should I be submitting all the deep links separately to their various relevant categories. (However I thought one wasn't supposed to do that..?)
Linda :confused:

Linda, editors are not encouraged to respond to submitters. In fact, they are discouraged to respond. It only takes one disgruntled submitter to make an editors online experience a bad one.

If you want to know if your site is waiting for a review or if it has been declined, you need to request a submission status in the correct forum. Be sure to read and follow the forum guidelines before requesting submission status.


Jun 24, 2003
Even the very first link in the health>nutrition>resources is a dead link.
The link has been removed and should disappear once the page updates. Thanks for pointing it out to us.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.