please suggest a category for my site


Jun 15, 2006
hello, after reading carefully all the guidelines, i submitted my site juast once about three or four months ago. Noticing that the category i selected did not have much activity, i tried to become an editor of that category but was rejected. All along this time i have not seen any changes on that specific category which makes me think that it was a petty not choosing me as editor because i could put a lot of work on this specific category to make it more compleate.
Anyway, i read the article on how to get a site listed four times quicker and i was just wondering if anyone could give my a hint on whether there is a better category for my site. the category isñol/R..._Autónomas/Andalucía/Cádiz/Municipios/Tarifa/
and my website is < URL removed>

thanks a lot



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I've removed your URL because we don't discuss individual websites here.

You know your website better than anyone and if it's based in that locality, you suggested it to the right place.

As for pettiness, we're very keen to accept new editors here. If your application was declined, it was for good reasons - and these will have been included in the email that you received. Rather than be annoyed about it, study those reasons and try again. Some of our most senior editors took several attempts.


Jun 15, 2006
Hi Jim, thanks for the quick reply.

the reasons for declining my editor application were generic. it was a copy and paste response with six possible reasons. (see response attached, sorry in spanish, but i guess you are familiar with the content).

It was unfortunate to receive a generic response because it is not the best way to give feedback. but i know ODP is run by volunteers and you do your best. In any case if you know who the editor of this section is and can forward him/her my email i would appreciate. Maybe i can get more specific feedback about my application.

I know enough about ODP to not be annoyed about anything related to it. getting annoyed does not get you anywhere. rereading my email i cannot find a reason why you assumed i was annoyed. i am just trying to position my site in the directory and willing to help the directory improve, that´s all. if you or any other reader found by my mail that i was annoyed i apologize.

"Estimado Iñigo Asís,

Gracias por su interés en ser editor del Open Directory Project. Después de una revisión cuidadosa, hemos decidido no aprobar su aplicación. Las razones más comunes para que su aplicación sea rechazada incluyen, pero no se limitan a:

*Aplicación incompleta. No contiene suficiente información en algunas áreas, por ejemplo, la razón, la afiliación y/o los sitios en ejemplo.

*Errores de ortografía o gramática.

*Los sitios en ejemplo no cumple con el enfoque de la categoría para la cual ha aplicado. Puede ser que abarquen demasiado o muy poco, que no traten sobre el tema, que no sean de suficiente calidad, o en un idioma no apropiado a la categoría. Aplicaciones para World/Español que incluyan sitios en ejemplo que no estén en español serán rechazadas.

*El no divulgar su afiliación con sitios que están o tienen el potencial de ser publicados en el directorio.

*Los títulos y las descripciones de los sitios en ejemplo (y otra información requerida) contenían lenguaje promocional y subjetivo en vez de ser objetivos y sin favoritismos. Los editores de ODP no redactan reseñas de los sitios ni deciden su posicionamiento. Los editores de ODP redactan descripciones objetivas y sin preferencias de sitios y sus contenidos.

*Promoción personal - Una aplicación que nos hace pensar que el candidato está principalmente interesado en promover su propio sitio o con los que está afiliado. ODP no es una herramienta promocional y no se debe usar para evadir el proceso de ingreso de sitios. Si esta es la razón para la aplicación, pedimos que el candidato no aplique. Los editores que sean sorprendidos promocionando inapropiadamente sus sitios o los sitios con que están relacionados serán removidos de inmediato.

Dada la gran cantidad de aplicaciones que recibimos todos los días, es imposible contestar cada aplicación personalmente o responder a preguntas de porqué fue rechazado. Si la persona que repasa la
aplicación decide darle comentarios adicionales, se encontrarán en la sección al inferior de la página titulada "Comentarios del revisor".

Su disposición para ser un editor voluntario es grandemente apreciada y, tal vez, podrémos usar su talento en el futuro.

Open Directory Project"


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
It was unfortunate to receive a generic response because it is not the best way to give feedback.
I'm afraid I have to disagree here. Many of the applications we receive contain the same few common errors and most of these could have been fixed by the applicant if they had done a bit more research about the project or read the application instructions more carefully. Providing the exact reason each time would be very time consuming and also be counter-productive.

Being able to accept constructive criticism work things out for yourself are valuable attributes for an editor to have. So sending the generic feedback both saves valuable time on the part of the reviewer, and acts as a filter for some of the attributes we're looking for in an editor. Think of it as part of the application process to critically review your application and work out which of the common reasons applies. Hopefully you'll then be able to address that/those in your next application.


Jun 15, 2006
i appreciate your suggestion, very kind, i will review the reasons more carefully when i find some free time (i just had my first baby).

but for now i am more intrigued about getting my site up in the directory.

it is about a specific location so jimnoble´s hint has put my mind at rest regarding my question.

thanks again.
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