Polite request for an update to this section please

Olivia E

May 11, 2008
Could I respectfully request that someone takes the time to look at the section shown below.


It is in need of an update. There is an obvious duplication, a site that has been out of business for a year or so now, a spam site and a furnishing store (I happen to know its a nice store tho' so it does deserve a dmoz listing ... just not here).

I dont ask without having first tried to do my bit. Because I have long term local knowledge, consider myself to be a non biased rental business owner in the area, and because you appear to need someone, I did apply as an editor myself on three occasions. I was rejected on all three which stung some and has taken the wind out of my sails to try further.

As you will probably realise, my listing is there in the waiting list. Its a genuine and sucessful rental property and will be obvious from my name. I have waited patiently over the last couple of year (admittedly I have put a couple of requests over a long timespan) but hopefully when someone checks they will still feel its a worthy addition.

As a suggestion, possibly people could suggest other threads that show definate evidence they havnt been checked for some years.

Thanks in adv
Olivia E


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
ODP is a volunteer organisation and editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. If nobody has worked in the category for a while, that'll be because nobody was interested in doing so :(.

Very few of our editors actually visit this forum so your message might go unheaded (though I see that a listing was deleted from it today).

If you have specific details of errors, it would be helpful if you posted them here.

<We must all stop meeting like this :)>

Olivia E

May 11, 2008
If nobody has worked in the category for a while, that'll be because nobody was interested in doing so :(.
Very few of our editors actually visit this forum ...

Yeh ... thats why it stung when I was rejected as an editor for this section three times!

Hopefully the editor who knocked out the duplication might take the time to look at the listing applications


Apr 5, 2004
It's always disappointing to be unsuccessful when applying for something, but it might help you to know that many current editors were not successful with their first application(s), so unless you were asked not to do so, there is no reason for you not to re-apply. :)
You received explanations each time you were advised of being unsuccessful, so of course it would make sense to attend to all the matters raised, and to read the other resources available, such as the editing guidelines and the forum thread here.
But as long as you can show that you would be an honest and careful editor, you have every chance of being accepted, as indeed many people are every day. Good Luck!


Apr 5, 2004
"makrhod said:
read the other resources available, such as the editing guidelines and the forum thread here.
jimnoble" said:
Also, be sure to study this good advice before filling out the application form.
Yeah, that's the "forum thread here" that I was too lazy to find the link for. :p

Olivia E

May 11, 2008
well ... another year on and this section is still unchanged

... been waiting for three years now for my rental to appear ... but nothing has changed since I last advised you of the changes that needed to be made here.

Thanks jim and makrhod for the suggestions of last time regarding my attempts to offer my services. Am sure you mean well.

fwiw, I did follow the guidelines on each occasion to no avail ... frankly, your three rejections of my application for the editor position (on this section only) while there is total lack of anyone working here tells me something.

I suspect your workers can't imagine that anyone who has business interestes in the section they are applying to could possibly be capable of unbiased editing.

I think three years is long enough and your information here is now so out of date it hardly applies as a viable information source in this catagory.
You will not be hearing from me further.


Apr 5, 2004
frankly, your three rejections of my application for the editor position (on this section only) while there is total lack of anyone working here tells me something.
You received detailed feedback each time, to help you prepare a more acceptable application. Many current editors were accepted only after heeding such advice and submitting a more complete or more thoughtful application. Unless you were advised not to, you were welcome to do the same.

I suspect your workers can't imagine that anyone who has business interestes in the section they are applying to could possibly be capable of unbiased editing.
Absolutely incorrect, I'm afraid. For a start, applications are reviewed only by volunteer meta editors or catmods who have a great deal of experience in this activity.
And secondly, most editors start out in a category of particular interest to them, often in a business sense, so that is never the reason an application is rejected.

And if you are no longer interested in offering to help, you can hardly criticise volunteers for not working in that category either. ;)
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