Portugal.com description


Oct 19, 2004
Dear Editor,

First of all I want to thank you for re-instating www.portugal.com to your directory. I sure hope this is the right thread area to do this as I did not seem to find another way.

The reason I write is to see if you could please change the old description which reads "USA-based travel agency owned and operated by Portuguese and American citizens. Includes travel, tours, hotels, shopping, and auctions".

The site is no longer a USA-based travel agency as ownership changed hands some time ago, and the fact that is owned and operated by Portuguese and American citizens is irrelevant. It is a global site focused on travel, e-commerce, auctions and information to Portugal (or however you see the description to be edited more adequate to your editing guidelines).

I appreciate your help in fixing this and keep up the good work.

Best regards,
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