Possible Abuse



I used DMOZ to add my url. To my surprise my URL appeared in Yahoo and other directories. After approximately 2 weeks my url disappeared from every directory and has been replaced with a similar URL name. I have a similar domain name to another company and I'm getting the feeling that this person may be an Editor. Is there anyway I can find out if this person is an Editor and or why I am being removed and or replaced with this other URL.


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
You may use the Abuse form if you suspect editor abuse, however if you would like to post the URL here then we can do a shallower investigation first (and therefore save time for those that do the in-depth abuse reports).


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Without more information on the person you mention, your quest is pretty well hopeless. And as for identifying specific editors, that too is impossible. (If you're talking about Yahoo editors, we don't know; if you're talking about ODP editors, we can't say.)

Given information about either a URL that you think should be in the OPEN DIRECTORY (dmoz.org or directory.google.com, but not Yahoo!!) and that used to be included but isn't any more, we can check that, but we will need the URL and the category it was in. We can treat this as a "submission status request", and we have a forum for that. Read the rules, and make sure that you include ALL the information required. We want to fix these--we went to a LOT of effort to add all these sites, and we hate to see it wasted.

Given information about a URL that is in the directory, but that you think should not be, we can check that also. We'll treat that as an "quality control report", and this forum is the place for that. We still need the URL! We want to fix these also: we went to a LOT of effort to add GOOD sites, and it debases the whole directory when bad sites are added or good sites hijacked.

Given that you have identified a PATTERN of nefarious activity in the OPEN DIRECTORY (that is, inappropriate sites added to a category, or appropriate sites removed), we'd treat that as an Abuse Report; you've seen the instructions on how to do that. We want to fix these: we went to a LOT of effort to build a good directory, and we don't appreciate people sabotaging it.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.