Possible DMOZ spam solution


Apr 13, 2004
As far as I can tell, you guys are getting hammered by spammers taking a wild swing at getting listed in DMOZ.
These guys get listed in all the other search engines because the other search engines have no way of editing them out.
You could do yourself a favor by flagging these spam sites in a list and submitting the list to all of the major search engines. Let spammers know that you are doing this. A spammer would be stupid to try to submit his site to DMOZ if he thought it could flag him as a spammer to every single search engine.
These people thrive on flying under the radar of automated search engines. Submitting their site to DMOZ would be like jumping up and down and waving a flag.
This would also go a long way as goodwill on the Internet. People would know DMOZ as the main defense against spam.


Mar 25, 2002
That idea has been considered on the internal fora and was discussed for quite some time. I don't remember the exact details of why, but in the end the cons outweighed the pros.

But thanks for the idea, anyway!
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