Possibly submitted www.brinkssafes.com couple time



I think I may have submitted my web site: http://www.brinkssafes.com/index.html a couple times. I was having problems with my computer a few days ago when I was trying to submit. I then tried yesterday and submitted without a problem. I have since found this message board and thought I would ask your advice about being able to delete a post so as not to offend an editor by having them think that I am spamming. Is there a way to do that? There is no-one listed as the editor to the category I submitted or I would have tried to appoligize to that person directly. The category I submitted to was: Bus./Bus. Services/Security/Products & Equipment/Locks and safes.

Thanks for any help or advise anyone can give.


May 26, 2002
Re: Possibly submitted www.brinkssafes.com couple

If you submitted the same site to the same category in the space of a few minutes, and if all those submissions made it through, then it is usually obvious to the reviewing editor that you were having trouble. It is likely that only one copy made it to the queue anyway, as identical submissions usually overwrite prior ones.

Submitting to multiple categories, or submitting multiple deeplinks, can begin to look like spam after 10 or 20 submissions. You did submit just a couple times, though, you said: if so, then there shouldn't be a problem.


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
Re: Possibly submitted www.brinkssafes.com couple

If it was for the same category, the second submission would have overwritten the first one anyway.
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