Posting for a multiple category business


Jul 10, 2007
Have something of an issue with posting a site. I've already successfully posted two and here's the explanation of why two and why I'd like to have more.

We are a law firm. Our attorneys practice in multiple areas of expertise that I need to ensure are sucessfully listed on all web directories. That's the reason for the two I submitted years ago. Well, since then we've not only expanded to other areas of law practice we've also grown the firm to branches in multiple states.

So, my main question is this: Can I resubmit the same site for the other areas of practice of the firm AND submit the site for the one practice that supports multiple states regionally in each state's respective directory area (Florida, New York, Texas and New Mexico specifically)? Please help as I want to do this within the rules but the single submission just doesn't seem to be a good fit for our business model or for a directory user actually looking for a specific legal service. As well, your posting rules regards to categories lead me to believe that a generic posting is not what you good folks are looking for in a submission.

No shark jokes please! I'm just a IT geek and never went to law school and yes it does smell like fish in the halls of the offices!

Thanks loads for the service and the assistance,


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
bubba said:
So, my main question is this: Can I resubmit the same site for the other areas of practice of the firm AND submit the site for the one practice that supports multiple states regionally in each state's respective directory area (Florida, New York, Texas and New Mexico specifically)?
No. You should only suggest the site once and to the single most relevant category. If this is a law firm with multiple offices it would be considered at the next most relevant level in Regional. If there are real offices in various states it may be suggested once to the appropriate subcat at the US level not individual states. The site may be listable also in topical and most likely in or around Society/Law/Services/Lawyers_and_Law_Firms depending on content. The editors will take it from there and if listable will make sure its placed in the appropriate location(s).

<add> A company's business model is of no concern to editors when considering a site for inclusion. The only model we worry about is the Guidelines. <end>


Jul 10, 2007
Okay, I get the message. Whether or not our business model is important to the ODP or not the relative ease of search for a user would seem to be of merit, guidelines notwithstanding. So, I'll stick with what I've got but I do have to state that not allowing specific category listings for businesses with multiple service definitions doesn't seem too reasonable with regard to ease of searching and IMNotSoHO will lead to some serious reorganization requirements for the editors/keepers of the ODP flame in the future. Outside of that issue to me specifically I still feel you folks are doing a fabulous job and thanks for your time in explaining the ODP position in regards to my query.



Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
There are plenty of avenues for listing sites and the structure is such that a researcher seeking the information can navigate to the proper category and locate what they are looking for. I think you are confusing us with a Search Engines search feature rather than what this project is trying to accomplish. The site sounds to me like a multiple practice law firm. This is probably better placed in Society/Law/Services/Lawyers_and_Law_Firms/General_Practice/North_America/United_States and once again in Regional/North_America/United_States/Business_and_Economy/Legal_Services rather than multiple listings all over the directory. Also if the site is available in multiple languages it may be listable in the corresponding World categories.


Jan 23, 2003
One of the challenges we would face, if we were to allow listings by business egement, would be in the very difinition of a business segment.

Those closest to the business could argue ad nauseum over minute differences between business segments, where the distinctions wold be lost to all but the most savvy or industry aware consumer.

Imagine all the different market segements we would have to deal with based on styles of women's shoes, or baseball gloves, or even types of mangos.

The listing possibilities would be insane. Imagine we tried to list a huge multinational conglomerate based on the maret segments (real or imagined) that it participates in. Heck, we'd probably need a dedicated editor just for Microsoft, and another for Intel, one for General Motors, and possibly two for Mitsubishi.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Ha, yep thanks for correcting me motsa ;), guess my brain is already on vacation even though it doesn't officially start for a few more days.

<slaps self with pointy wand thingy> :D
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