Private web hosting prevents site from being listed


Mar 20, 2009
I unsuccessfully tried to submit my site. Searching for a reason, I found out that a sub folder of my domain is already listed, so I guess that was the reason for the exclusion. However, this particular sub folder and my "main domain" (that is my private homepage) are two completely different websites.

We (people of my village) are trying to renovate and - where needed - rebuild our local church since it has suffered under the last political regime which we have overcome by now. (Thank God!) Supporting this effort, I created a website and hosted it on my private web space, in a sub folder. I then used a free easy-to-remember sub domain (third party service) referring to that sub folder. DMOZ does not allow domains that refer to another, so the original domain-sub folder combination was submitted. (My privat homepage was not ready for submission yet, so I submitted the church-site first.)

Meanwhile, I "host" yet another website in a similar way (the website of my mother's practice); that'd be the third entry for my domain in a different category.

Sp even though it wouldn't actually be a multiple entry, I won't get all my sites listed. Is there any way to solve this problem?

Thanks a lot! - David


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
That several independent websites are hosted on the same domain isn't a problem. Just look at how many geocities sites we list :).

I unsuccessfully tried to submit my site
What makes you think it was unsuccessful? Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years.
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