, formerly

May 11, 2004
My site was listed for several years, and disappeared from listing last year (2003) at about the time two things occured:
- the Open Directory seemed to be in the middle of a reorganization of sorts
- I changed the URL of my site as the business name changed (I put in a redirect to the new URL, and filled in an "update URL" which didn't lead to any update)

The category didn't have an editor then, and doesn't seem to have had one since. In the meantime, my old listing disappeared.

Over the past few months, I have tried several times to get the new URL listed as a new site, but have never had any results. I just re-submitted yesterday to make sure the info is there by the time you read this posting.

- The category is:
- The old site URL was:
- The site's original name was "Active Life Coach"
- The new URL is:

For whatever it's worth, I have an archived page (from google) showing this ODP category as of July 6, 2003 with my site on it as "Active Life Coach". I have attached a "zipped" version of this archived page to this message.


Aug 14, 2002
I just re-submitted yesterday

We ask people to wait 30 days after submission (or resubmission) before posting a status check. Please come back and bump this thread in a month.

You might want to bookmark it.
May 11, 2004
updating the request

A little over a month ago, I posted the original message in this thread. At the same time, I resubmitted the info to the open directory. I was told to wait a month, and then "bump" my message. I hope this message does the "bumping".
May 11, 2004
just checking

A month ago, there was a message saying my request would be reviewed. I don't know whether I should reactivate the request, or just wait.
Also: the category doesn't have an editor, so I wonder whether this is affecting the review.
May 11, 2004
A question about who I should contact

Of course, i'm interested in the status and, eventually, my goal is to get re-listed.

But it's almost as important to me to understand what may have happened.

There is no editor in my category, and there has been none for quite a long time. So I don't know who to turn to in order to ask.

I hope somebody can direct me.

Here is the question:

My site was listed for several years, and disappeared from listing in 2003 at about the time two things occured:
- the Open Directory seemed to be in the middle of a reorganization of sorts
- I changed the URL of my site as the business name had changed

When I changed the URL, I had, for a while, a "302" redirect as opposed to a "301" redirect because I didn't know there was a difference between both codes.

I had contacted the Open Directory with a "change" request. However, there was no editor at that point, and there was no answer.

At some point, I noticed that my old listing had disappeared.
I suppose the reason is that you eliminated sites with redirected URL's.

- The category is:
- The old site URL was:
- The site's original name was "Active Life Coach"
- The new URL is:

For whatever it's worth, I had attached to my original posting on this discussion group (May 2004) an archived page from "google directory" showing this ODP category as of July 6, 2003 with my site on it as "Active Life Coach".


Apr 15, 2003
- The old site URL was:

It was removed intentionally and will not be listed

- The new URL is:

It has not been reviewed - but my opinion is it will not be listed

We do not discuss reasons for not listing sites - please read the forum FAQ

However read ==>

Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Sites with overlapping and repetitive content are not helpful to users of the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.

As stated you may ask again in six months.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.