Problem updating site


Apr 9, 2007
My site has been listed in the Directory for a number of years, however the content description is outdated and no longer reflects the content of the main body of the website. Also, the site URL has changed. I submitted an update a number of times in the last five months but have seen no change in the listing. Please advise how to move forward with this process.

<urls removed>


Oct 29, 2006
url changes are always processed if there is evidence on the old url that points to the new url.

Non redirects or a site that does not display a link to the new url are generally not acted upon

Description changes are a different matter.

I can't respond to your specific case, but your timeline must be mistaken as 4 and 5 months ago you were unable to suggest any changes due to our server failure. If you have suggested an update since January I'd be surprised if no one has looked at it yet, although it's possible. Update requests are flagged seperately on the editing interface, and are generally worked on fairly quickly by editors.

When you say 'submitted an update', do you mean that you suggested the new url via the 'suggest url' link, or did you use the 'update listing' link from the category itself?

The first is not flagged as an update, the second is.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Update requests are usually handled fairly quickly. I'm sure someone will take care of your update request soon.

When you say 'submitted an update', do you mean that you suggested the new url via the 'suggest url' link, or did you use the 'update listing' link from the category itself?
She submitted update requests as update requests.


Apr 9, 2007
Problem with updating site listing

motsa said:
Update requests are usually handled fairly quickly. I'm sure someone will take care of your update request soon.

She submitted update requests as update requests.

I checked the dates and I submitted a site update listing in January, 2007, and then again on March 24th of this year. The submission was not under "New URL" but under "update listing". Old site: .... New site for which there is a redirect: ...

Please let me know the status of this submission.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.