Problem while applying for an editorship



I have a simple ( and who knows, may be the biggest ) problem while appying for an Editorship.

The form says that i must submit 2 or 3 websited which i think should lie in this category.
I am applying for the category Regional/asia/india/Karnataka/Districts/Bijapur/ and Regional/Asia/India/Karnataka/Localities/Bijapur/.
These categories are of a city. Just one website related to this city other than mine are available from this city. and (my website). All other websites which are already listed in this category should either reside in other categories or the websites listed here are just web-pages, not complete website. For example website "Al Ameen Medical College " should be in the category Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/Asia/India/Medical/ and website Teknomatics should be in the category Science/Technology/Electrical_Engineering/ is already listed in the ODP ( I dont think this website has been updated after year 2001). And i can submit my website. What whould i do with other 1 or 2 websites which i should submit?

And may i know the status of my application please?



No need to check for my application's status. I just got a mail. It has been rejected. :( Time for me to apply again. :)


Mar 25, 2002

before you apply again, I would suggest you have a read of the editor guidlines.

In there you will notice that sites can be listed in a Regional category as well as in another category, if they fit.

The examples that you cite are good ones that could easily be double-listed.

Think of a Regional category as a place for people to go if they want to see sites about that area, regardless of topic. The topical ones (i.e. non-regional) are for people that want the narrow topica, and don't care about the plocation as much.

Make sense?

[Disclaimer: I am not a meta, nor do I play one on the Internet... I have no knowledge of your application or the reason why you were rejected. I give only general advice here which should not be construed as a certain method of being approved in future....]


I have considered your points and have applied once again.. infact i will apply till my application gets approved :cool:
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