problem with re-inclusion of a site


Jul 26, 2006

I work for a very well-respected UK education directory which collects and holds the government UK Learning Directory of courses. The company also builds, maintains and hosts some well-merited adult learning college sites. We also run several client websites from our central hosted system.

For years we had been very happy to be listed on the ODP directory, which we have full respect for. In May, however, we noticed that the URL for one of our client sites listed on the ODP was incorrect and came under our own company name.

Explaining the situation, I completed an updated listing form to request that the url of the client site should be changed to the registered domain:

I was delighted that ODP made the change but in so doing they have removed our main site listing! Since late May I have re-submitted our site on several occasions – if I recall correctly to the Reference: Education: Directories section with a good description of the site

Site name - directory of courses in the UK
Find evening courses, training courses, degree and postgraduate courses in the UK.

We have not been re-included in the directory. I am concerned to submit the site on further occasions as I do not wish to appear to be spamming the ODP. In addition, I have tried on several occasions to submit our one-year old sister site aimed at high school students seeking further education but to no avail.

How can I find out as to why my sites have not been re-included/included in the ODP?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
We've learned the hard way in this forum that providing individual status reports is not a good idea, which is why we've stopped doing it.

In general, submitted websites which meet our submission guidelines get listed in time. However, since we're a volunteer organisation, we aren't able to predict when that time might be.

We don't knowingly list websites which don't meet our submission guidelines.

Finally, we tend to interpret 'sister website' as 'related website'. As the submission guidelines state, we don't list those either.
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