Problem with submitting into Shopping/Crafts/Decorative_Painting


Mar 6, 2007
Good day, I sent submit request to -subject- category about 1,5 month ago. After 1 month I wrote to editor, but I got answer that he didn't receive any submit request from me.
I repeated request but editor didn't get it again.
I wrote to but don't get any answer from service. doesn't work too...
Can anybody help me what I have to do in this situation?

Thank you


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
If you've already suggested your website to an appropriate category, you've done all you need to do. Some volunteer will evaluate it in time and either list it, decline it or move it to some other category for further evaluation.

We aren't able to predict when the evaluation will take place, who will do the evaluation or what the outcome will be. That's the nature of this volunteer project and there is nothing you can do that will expedite matters. Please be patient and devote your energies towards other promotional means.


Jan 23, 2003
And, someone not taking immediate action is not abuse. Reporting it as abuse is abuse.


Mar 6, 2007
If you've already suggested your website to an appropriate category, you've done all you need to do.

But I don't know if my submission was successful.

I don't demand immediate actions of somebody.
As I understand, editor must receive my request about submission.
Nothing had happened. Editor don't see it after 2 months and doesn't work still (There aren't other links to ask questions). Or it is all right, report-abuse shouldn't work and my question is abuse?
Then excuse me, please.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> But I don't know if my submission was successful.
It all depends on what you call successful.
Did you get the confirmation screen after you suggested the site? Yes, the suggestion is now waiting to be reviewed. No, than you must have been shown some error which I am sure you would have noticed.

> I don't demand immediate actions of somebody.
That is good. As we wouldn't immediate actions just because someone asked us to do so.

> As I understand, editor must receive my request about submission.
Yes, although it should be plural "editors". But only those editors who are willing to look at it will see it.

> Nothing had happened.
A lot has happened. Although maybe not with the suggestion you made.

> Editor don't see it after 2 months
Ohh, and how do you know? Do you know what all editors can see?
That one editor could not see it does not mean that some other editors can't.
The amount of suggestions received in january and february was so high (as expected after a long outage) that processing them will take some time before they are delivered to the editors. Remember we are still no completely recovered from the outage and not all processes are working as they should do. No suggestions made after junuary 13th are lost. All are in the system and will be reviewed somewhen in the future. Might be in a few days, might be after several years. We just can't predict when it will happen.

> and doesn't work still
That is OK as not reviewing a site within a certain timeframe is not abuse at all. If you have real abuse to report you can make a post here in R-Z globaly (never name the category, editor name or sites involved) describing what has happened and one of the editors will contact you.


Mar 13, 2007
I think that this site submission thing is a rather messy affair as I had many problems when I tried to submit my site related to Channel Ring Setting so can please someone help me out.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
There is nothing 'messy' about the site suggestion process. The problem typically arises when the purpose of the 'Suggest URL' function is misunderstood. If you don't understand the purpose of the "Suggest URL" function, it can lead to self induced frustration.

Here it is in as basic a form as I can put it:
  1. Find the single (1) best category for the URL you would like to suggest and once in that category look for the 'Suggest URL' option at the top.
  2. From there you just must provide the URL, a title and description (a guideline compliant title/description may help with review time), and if I recall your email address (not sure if that is required or not?).
  3. Once entered you click "Submit" and you should see a Thank you page which confirms the submission went through.

That's all there is too it, really. It isn't messy at all unless you are under the misconception that something besides a thanks for your help is owed to you for suggesting a site. If you want to help an editor find a URL the only way to do so is to suggest it. Otherwise, if its a listable site (according to the guidelines) it will remain undiscovered until an editor (or another interested user) finds and suggests it to the category.
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