Problems adding a URL - Not IP address :(

Hi guys and galls

Im sure glad that I found this forum - hopefully someone can help and I can keep some of my hair! <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" /> I would like to apologise for the length of the post, but I'd like to give as much useful info as possible.

Im having trouble submitting a site to DMOZ, my site name is and I was trying to get it listed in the following categories:




However I had been trying to submit for a while using the dreaded Internet Explorer and the submission appeared to time out and eventually give the IE error page for "Server not found or DNS error", however if I hit refresh at this point to attempt to retry then the add2.cgi page loaded and said "Form Incomplete - Please fill out the URL and title fields of the form. - Please go back in your browser if you need to resubmit the form. "

When I found this forum I scanned through to see if anyone else had this problem and most things indicated that IE may be at fault so I downloaded the latest release of Opera, which wouldn't install, so then I downloaded the latest stable release of Mozilla and tried to submit the site again - Mozilla then appeared to timeout and eventually gave the error "The document contains no data" in a dialog box.

The only two things I think it can be is either my Belkin Router/Switch - which I doubt or my ISP - ntlworld, who cause problems using HotMail with certain parts of their forms.

If anyone can shed some light on the subject and help me submit the site I would be very greatful, and may help me keep some hair!




Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
DMOZ is quite slow at the moment. Staff informed editors that some damaged hardware will be replaced in the next few days. It may be that the hamsters are running at half speed or something, its the same on the editor side.
Please try again in some days.

There are known issues with IE and high security settings (which dont save you anyway - to many holes in them) - but afaik there are no known iussues with Mozilla yet.

General advice, not directly connected to this issue:

* Dont use a proxy
* Keep an eye on your firewall, sometimes they filter more than is good for you ;-)

Just tried again using IE and Mozilla and I still cannot post <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />

The only thing I think it could be is my router, but is this possible?

Thanks in advance

Lyndon <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />

Well, a strange one this turned out to be. I finally managed to submit the site, but had to do it through an anonymiser service!

So if anyone else has a similar problem - try!!! (Free trial <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> )
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