Problems at site Submission


Aug 28, 2011
I'm trying to submit my site for two years, and It hasn't been accepted yet. I think I've suggested the site in the right category, and I've read the site submition rules and think that the web agrees with the conditions.

My web is [URL Removed], ¿Somebody could tell me what happens, or suggest me the category where it should be included?

Sorry for my bad english.


Curlie Editor
Aug 27, 2011

It states over here

How long does it take for my site to be listed in the ODP?

"Depending on the activity level of the editors in your area, it may take up to 2 weeks or more for your site to be reviewed. While the ODP is comprehensive in scope and coverage, we care a great deal about the quality of the ODP, and pride ourselves on being highly selective. We don't accept all sites, so please don't take it personally should your site not be accepted. Our goal is to make the directory as useful as possible for our users, not to have the directory include all (or even most) of the sites that could possibly be listed or serve as a promotional tool for the entities listed."

An Other factor may be,

"Your site was down during the editorial process"

- I would like to suggest, read this post thoroughly, and submit your site again.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
it may take up to 2 weeks or more for your site to be reviewed.
The emphasis should really be on the word "more" - admittedly some sites are reviewed in two weeks or less, but these are not the majority - as we do this for a hobby, and don't have quotas to meet, it is possible that delays can reach years in some sections of the directory.
Finding and suggesting the site to the correct category does speed things up significantly - you can see if it will be listed by looking at the Site Selection guidelines.


Curlie Editor
Aug 27, 2011
Hey Elper,
I was emphasizing on,
"We don't accept all sites"
As you can see i rendered it in a "Bold" typeface.

I "quote" the whole Paragraph, just in case he could not open up that link.
And yes, i should have emphasized on 'more.'
Thank you.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
- I would like to suggest, read this post thoroughly, and submit your site again.
As an editor I would suggest that you do NOT suggest your site again.
DMOZ clearly states that you suggest awebsite only ONCE to the ONE best category.
Suggest a site more than once to the same category might cause the time between first suggestion and review to become larger.
Suggest a site to more than one category and you are on the path to become a spammer. And spemmers will be blocked.

If a site is suggested there are only a few options
1) it is listed - no reason to suggest the site again
2) it is rejected - no reson to suggest the site again
3) it is moved to a better category and is now waiting review there - no reason to suggest the site again
4) it is waiting review in the category it was suggested to - no reason to suggest the site again


Aug 28, 2011
As an editor I would suggest that you do NOT suggest your site again.
DMOZ clearly states that you suggest awebsite only ONCE to the ONE best category.
Suggest a site more than once to the same category might cause the time between first suggestion and review to become larger.
Suggest a site to more than one category and you are on the path to become a spammer. And spemmers will be blocked.

If a site is suggested there are only a few options
1) it is listed - no reason to suggest the site again
2) it is rejected - no reson to suggest the site again
3) it is moved to a better category and is now waiting review there - no reason to suggest the site again
4) it is waiting review in the category it was suggested to - no reason to suggest the site again

I've read that post and my wev accepts all conditions. I've searched the best category (in my opinion), and my web page I think that could be interesting (of course in my opinion)...

I'll wait for four months and, if I've not notices about it, I'll let it go :(


Curlie Editor
Aug 27, 2011
I would like to apologize for misleading you CARGARM3.

I would also like to apologize to all the editors and Administrators, for making your job even harder by interfering.

Have a nice day.


Aug 28, 2011
I would like to apologize for misleading you CARGARM3.

I would also like to apologize to all the editors and Administrators, for making your job even harder by interfering.

Have a nice day.

Don't worry !. I think that my problem is that my site (can't put the link) is about making and selling photos (printed on canvas) based in text (making a photo with text), so I've tried for many time including the web in different categories having no success .

It's about six months since I suggested my web, so I'm going to suggest it again. I hope this time I choose the right category (and of course, I've read many articles and spent a long time looking for the right category). Any suggestion about a right category to suggest these kinds of webpages?

Sorry for my English.

Best Regards
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