Problems for past six months



I'm thankful for a forum like this for such a huge undertaking as ODP is. I have been a professional SEO for 8 years now and thought I had learned the proper ways to get sites listed in the ODP quite a few years ago. But ever since about last September I've lost my "touch" and have not had a single site included across a wide swath of industries with some categories having and some not having an editor for the page. I might add that my "touch" has always been to provide a title and description in the way that editors prefer and categories carefully and painfully chosen. As we are a very busy shop my list of sites that I would like to have included in your fine directory has grown to at least a dozen wonderful sites your visitors can't wait to find !

What should I do ? I always wait 30-45 days in between submitting and now need some sort of answer to give to all these clients expecting to be included in the ODP through my service.

I'd have no beef at all if some but not all of these sites got picked up, but across the board really has me puzzled.

Thanks for your assistance !


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Resubmitting is not a good idea, unless you know that your submission didn't get through. Keep in mind that we've been having technical difficulties for the last little while that has made it tough for both users and editors.

Also, promising clients a listing in the ODP (in a specific period of time or even at all) isn't really a good thing to do.

The thing for you to do would be to go to the Site Submission Status forum, read the guidelines thread at the top of the forum, and then post a query for the sites that haven't been listed yet.


I will go to that forum - Thanks ! You are saying then, submit once and then find out what is going on here/there before trying again. Can do ! And no - I never make guarantees about what index clients will be found in - what i meant was i could nearly always count on the ODP to index and publish new sites first.

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