problems with listing


Mar 14, 2004

Goodevening, I would be grateful if someone could help us with the following two problems which we hope can be resolved.

a) Website's Description. Since the website was added our firm has expanded to provide group tours as well as private tours. We have submitted url updates but to no avail. The other point is that the description should say "provides a range of London tours" rather than "provides a range of tours around the capital city". All the other websites have the name of their main tourism destination in their description.

b)There are websites in our category which go against the ODP regulations. One firm has two listings for two of it's URLs offering the same services and a third in a very similar category. What's more, one of this website's listings even repeats it's title in the description.

We'd really appreciate your help with this.

Thank you for your time and keep up the great work.



Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
a) The way to request a change of description is, as you have done, to submit a URL Update request in the category where you are listed. An editor will review your request, but we can't say when that will happen. Asking for an update in this forum won't cause it to happen faster - you can however ask about the status of your update request in our Submissions Status Forum. (To save you having to make another post, I can confirm that there is indeed an update request waiting.)

b) Glancing at the category, yes, some of the descriptions do seem to be from before the current rules for how to describe sites were in place. Thank you for pointing that out - hopefully somebody will be able to do some work on the category soon. If you notice particular sites that appear to be double-listed or inappropriately listed in the category, we're grateful if you could tell us which ones they are: you can send a PM to me or any other Editall or Meta editor about it. Thanks.


Mar 25, 2002
One of the specific requests that you made which hasn't been addressed yet - the request to make sure the keyword "London" is in the description is highly unlikely to be approved, since it duplicates a name that appears in the category title. Hope this clarifies.


Mar 14, 2004
Alucard said:
One of the specific requests that you made which hasn't been addressed yet - the request to make sure the keyword "London" is in the description is highly unlikely to be approved, since it duplicates a name that appears in the category title. Hope this clarifies.

Thank you for your comment Alucard. However if you look at our category there are many sites with the word London as part of their title and they have their main location for their tours appear at least once in their description. We do not see why we should have "capital city" in our description and yet everyone else has "london", which at the end of the day, is what people look for.

All the best



Sep 11, 2003
charlesriv_uk said:
We do not see why we should have "capital city" in our description and yet everyone else has "london", which at the end of the day, is what people look for.

I appreciate how it looks however, like nea mentioned, many descriptions are not guideline compliant by todays standards and now this has been raised I am sure that an editor will be able to 'clean' them up when time permits.

It is also worth remembering that some sites have been listed for a long time and perhaps when the guidelines where not as rigourous. By todays standards we will be unable to change 'captial city' specificaly to London and it is safe to say that any requests will inevitably be declined.

In relation to the "London is what people look for" - that is indeed why the sites are listed in a 'London' category. Not only is London implied by the sites category it is also impled in the title thus the word London is redundant in the description. If the only change is for keyword purposes I am afraid that in effect you are 'flogging a dead horse' as we have no interest in keywords, search engine results or alike.

Rest assured that when an editor is able to the rest of the listing will also be brought into line! Look on the bright side - you are correctly listed and have a clear, consise and guideline compliant description which reflects the services that you offer. Sounds good to me ;)


Mar 14, 2004
leer said:
If the only change is for keyword purposes I am afraid that in effect you are 'flogging a dead horse' as we have no interest in keywords, search engine results or alike.

Our main purpose for submitting our url updates over the past months is because we now offer group tours to London as well as private tours. Hopefully this will be uodated- we mentioned the fact that we would also prefer "London" to appear in our description rather than "capital city" as this appears to be standard across all the other sites in our category.

Thank you all for your comments.



Sep 11, 2003
charlesriv_uk said:
Our main purpose for submitting our url updates over the past months is because we now offer group tours to London as well as private tours.

This part was not highligted in the update request infact the only noticable change was the word London. I have however ensured that the 'group tour' information is available to the editor who reviews the update request should they feel it needs to be changed.
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