problems with site suggestion.. 2 years!!


Dec 18, 2006
I add info about TOONDRA animation studio <url removed> to DMOZ 2 years ago!!! And nothing.. I add again. and nothing too.. Why? I read all regulation, I make everything I need to do as you wrote. Our studio now one of the most well-known in Russia and we have no problems in any others search engine.
I see the same sites in your directory "Top: World: Russian: Искусство: Анимация: Студии" :Искусство/Анимация/Студии/

<some more details about url removed>

I hope you can help me and add our site to animation studio directory.

We still waiting more than 2 years!!!



Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
If (and only if) you have not suggested your URL this year, you can send in one more site suggestion, because some waiting sites were lost in a systems crash a year ago. If you have sent it in this year, there is no point in doing it again.

There is nothing more you can do to speed up the review process, I'm afraid. The most likely reason why your site isn't listed is simply that nobody has volunteered to edit in the category.

That there is a different company with the same name and a similar URL, in a different country, will not in any way affect the review or listing of your URL. The editors are smart enough to realise that companies in different countries can have the same names :)
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