Proper "Region" to Post?



I am trying to post a site that provides photographic tours in Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia. I have believe that I should be listing under-- Regional: Asia: Travel and Tourism: Travel Services: Tour Operators
However,the listing page has a notice about finding the proper region. Is Asia not a sufficient region by itself? Since the tours take place in a number of S.E. Asian countries, I don't know what other listing would be correct. Can you please help me?? :D


Apr 15, 2003
Please continue to find the most appropriate Regional category, as most sites can be in both a Regional and Topical category. Your Regional category is based on the location of your office, not where the trips are going, so if your office is in Brazil, you would choose the city within that country.

In the meantime, you can probably suggest it at - or post your site URL here.


Thank you very much for your assistance, but I am still a bit confused.. The listing in question would be: Title: Travel Photographic - Photographic Tours of S.E. Asia

Description: Providing adventurous small group photography tours of Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. We emphasize photo opportunities, cultural exploration, arts, architecture and "off the beaten path", yet luxurious, travel.
For the regional listing, I don't understand why it would be listed where our home office is, instead of where the tours occur. That is not consistent with the listings that I see under the
Regional: Asia: Travel and Tourism: Travel Services: Tour Operators
These are all tour operators from different countries who offer tours in Asia.

Additionaly, you mentioned that I might suggest: Recreation/Travel/Specialty_Travel/Arts/
as a listing.But then, below that there is the additional category:
Arts: Photography: Education: Workshops and Tours

Which of these is more appropriate?

Thank you again for your assistance :crazy:


Sorry.. one more item.. I am finding that it is impossible to try and post anything at this time. I have read the links describing the problems which are ocurring currently. However I have used two different browser types and have tried submitting this listing (before I realized that I needed more info) MANY times without success - the server times out. Do you have any idea when this issue is going to be fixed? Thanks again...


Apr 15, 2003
I believe is a good spot for yout site, if the emphasis is on having a vacation and getting lots of good photographs, with some help and education on photography. In this category you will be with other Vacation Arts sites, some will also be doing photography vacations.

If the emphasis is more on taking a photography workshop while on vacation, then the other category may be better for you. In that category, all the other sites will be photography workshop sites, but not necesarily vacation workshops.
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