Prosperity4 Listing in ODP

I have submitted the site about 5 months ago and im still not listed. I submitted about 3 weeks ago as i thought the submission might have got overlokked. Could you please give me an idea of when this will be indexed. I would be so grateful

Liam Paulus
IT Manager

Thankyou for your reply, everyone thats signs to us is classified as an employee but if you think that it is the wrong section what about this Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Employment: IT and Computers: Advice

Does this catogory suit us bettter, and can you help me to get listed. I have honestly been trying to get into your directory for over 1 year without success and if you could give me some pointers or help and would be very grateful


Jul 7, 2002
It would be very helpful to give us a clickable link to the category you submitted your site to.

All I can say that submissions of your site has been deleted twice: once in April in Business/Information Technology/Employment/Recruiters (because you are not a recruiter) and once in July from Business/Financial Services (probably because the category is not specific enough).

Your company seems to offer a solution that is a specific answer to UK laws. Maybe it should better be listed somewhere under Regional/Europe/United Kingdom?

So would you suggest i resubmit it to the catagory you suggested now or could you help with doing this? How long on average does it take.

So you recommend that i submit my site to this catagory

Regional/Europe/United Kingdom/Business and Economy/Employment/IT and Computers/Advice

How long on average does it take to get listed


Mar 25, 2002
Listing times for any category range from a few minutes to several months (however, at the moment, "public page generation" is currently massively backlogged so if you were listed today, it may take several days to show up).

We are unable to give a precise time for listings: however, we are able to advice you if there is a large backlog in the cateogry you have submitted to (there is no backlog in the above categories).

Thankyou all so much for your advice and will resubmit it now and see what happens

I have just checked and i was surprised to find us listed as
Prosperity4 Ltd - The IR35 solution for IT Contractors. Company, services and contact details.
-- Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Financial Services: Accountants: Bookkeepers

Which is the wrong address it should be or just will this be updated or will the new one added on 24th October overwrtie this one. All i want is for it to de displeyed when people search IR35, limited company and Computer contractors.

I thankyou for your assistance in advance


Aug 2, 2002
The search system is currently broken, and has been for over a month. It *will* be fixed "real soon now" but you can't rely on anything it says at the moment. Give it a couple of weeks and report back if you are still concerned.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.