
Jan 8, 2004
Hello. I submitted my site to Business/Marketing and Advertising/Public Relations. The site wasn't accepted and I was told it belong in a different category. The site is about Public Relations and marketing promotions. I was just wondering if someone could tell me what category I could submit it to. I emailed the editors in the top category and never got a response. I was told that it's ok to email editors as long as the emails are polite, which I was. I said please, thank you, etc. Never got a response. I would greatly appreciate any information.



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Editors rarely answer emails from submitters, regardless of how polite the submitter is. Presumably, whoever told you the site wasn't accepted and belongs in a different category could tell you more, if they wanted to. We can't here (and even if we could/would, your site is not available and thus is currently unlistable).


Jan 8, 2004
Thank you. I got a response, but I was annoyed that it wasn't accepted even though I thought I put it in the right category. I didn't email the editor that sent me the reply back and deleted the email. (I'm still wondering why it wasn't accepted.). The index page is down (it only has flash on it - I submitted the home_page.html page as a way around the flash). The rest of the site is up and running - Can I re-submit once it gets back up? What category would you suggest?



Apr 15, 2003
When the front page looks like it does now, most editors would immediately delete the site, it's not listable.

To take the time to look it the site and deicde the category is part of the review process, which is best done by an editor when the site is actually reviewed. We expect the site owner to make the best attempt to get the correct category - an editor will move it if required.

Unless you know for sure the site was deleted the first time you submitted, there is no need to resubmit.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
It is OK to e-mail editors. But unsolicited e-mail for commercial purpose is spam. Were you writing the editor for commercial/promotional purposes? Was your e-mail specifically solicited?

And you mention courtesy: a lot of people think they can be as rude as they like if they say "please" and "thank you". To them, I have only one thing to say: "Please kill yourself, and thank you for doing it slowly and painfully!"

No, if you e-mail an editor, basic courtesy consists FIRST in determining whether that editor might want to discuss the subject.

And it is pretty self-evident that an editor has no a priori reason to want to discuss any particular site submittal -- after all, if he were interested in that site, he could have reviewed it already! And if he were interested in hearing about possible sites for the category, he could have looked in the submittals for that category! No need to use e-mail for those purposes, and it's pretty selfish and thoughtless not to realize that! No, there's no way to be politely selfish and thoughtless.

For these and other very practical reasons (like the number of psychopaths that have figured out how to use e-mail) I've pretty much stopped responding to any mail that doesn't indicate the writer knows me personally. And ... I'm one of those editors who used to reply to EVERYTHING, and kept a throwaway e-mail box specifically for that purpose.

However, if there's something that DOESN'T fit the normal suggest a site/point out a bad listing pattern of communication, then editor e-mail will usually be welcomed. Something like describing a pattern of problems; discussing a subject the editor has indicated a particular interest in; in other words, anything that treats the editor like a real human with feelings and goals, rather than as chattel to be driven for your ulterior motives -- in otherer words, REAL courtesy, not the empty grammatical forms thereof -- THAT will usually be welcomed, and often get a response.


Jan 8, 2004
When the front page looks like it does now, most editors would immediately delete the site, it's not listable.

Are you referring to the home_page.html page or the index page itself? I had originally submitted the home_page.html since I knew the index would be deleted. It's only flash. I know it would be deleted now because the site is temporarily down (I should say the index) for maintenance. It will be up shortly.

When I emailed the editor, I wasn't rude in ANY way. I said something along the lines of "Hello. I submitted my site to Business/Marketing and Advertising/Public Relations and I saw in my log file it was checked but declined to be listed in the directory. Could you please tell me why it was deleted and what category might be the right one to submit to." I said thank you and signed the email. There was NO attempt at spam and no attempt to be rude in any way.

I wish it would be ok to have editors email you back, especially if you are polite about it.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
I wish it would be ok to have editors email you back, especially if you are polite about it.

The last time I emailed someone back who politely wanted to know about their site, I told them why it didn't meet the criteria for listing. I was told by the guy that I had two choices, I could either list it immediately or he was going to sue me. Of course there was no basis for that, but it's still a bit startling to get emaiil threats. That is the last time I answered a question about a site via email, and that was years ago. Most editors have some sort of a horror story--people are usually very polite until unless they hear something they don't want to. Personally, this is something I do for free I just feel like it's better not to answer most of the time, although often if someone asks me a general question I will. It's up to each editor whether they want to reply or not.


Jan 23, 2003
I saw in my log file it was checked but declined to be listed in the directory.

This is addressed in a number of differnt threads, but just for your information there are any number of reasons you would have a log entry that is in no way related to an editor visiting for the purposes of making a listing decision, and there is also no way for any site owner to know which of the more than 200 editors (able to edit in any given category) it was who visited.
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