Public Disagreements - For Editors

May 8, 2004
:rolleyes: Will stating opinions in this forum contrary to an editor/dmoz positions result in being banned by participating forum editors from being accepted/listed with DMOZ itself? Think this might be important to all "posters" within the forum.....

Quite curious since I have and open mind and love open discussions. Given some of my more "liberal" posts being removed & locked Someone may need to pass the butter as I'm toast if it's true.


Love to hear back from you editors!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I tried to think of a constructive answer to this. But everything was either inaccurate, irrelevant, or really revealed too much about our abuse tools and procedures.

It might help most if you think of sites and webmasters as "building a reputation" -- sort of like in the, um, real world. Then think of a thousand editors all singing the Mikado song ("my object all sublime") in different languages, modes, and tempi.

Then remember: editors like information. Build yourself a reputation as an informative person.

Don't worry about what happens when you violate the forum policies -- just don't. Don't worry about what happens when you violate the submittal policies. If you're a professional SEOer, you need to really grok them -- not just know them in a sea-lawyer sense, but really understand their organic nature. You need to be able to know the ODP rules well enough to tell your clients, "this may pull in a lot of Google hits for 'fresnelated widgits', but it won't pull beans from Inktomi, and it's not eligible for the ODP."

Then you'll have a reputation worth something to you. And if you slip up, one swallow doesn't make a summer drunk ... just don't make it a habit.
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