Quality of Dmoz??? Poor or good?


Nov 4, 2006
Honestly, the post mentioned the server is down dates to Oct 21st, yet 2 weeks later, the site is still down and not accepting submissions?

Additionally, I've seen posts by users who mention it's taken months and years to get their site listed, and yet no luck what so ever.

I'm seriously doubting the quality of how dmoz is run - and if there are resource issues, there's lots of us who'd love to jump in.

Anyone else feeling these frustrations?

PS: great categorizing of content and sites, but a some key critical areas need help.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> Honestly, the post mentioned the server is down dates to Oct 21st, yet 2 weeks later, the site is still down and not accepting submissions?
Yes, unfourtunately the technical problems were much bigger as was anticipated and solving the problems is not something we as editors can contribute to. We have our technical staff for such problems. We have hopes that the editors will be able to login within a few days. I don;t know if site suggestion will be opened at the same time.

> Additionally, I've seen posts by users who mention it's taken months and years to get their site listed, and yet no luck what so ever.
That is all due to the fact that DMOZ is not a lsiting service. And btw there is no luck involved with getting listed. Just enough good and unique content will do the trick. And suggesting the site in the right category with a guidlines compliant title and description might speed up the review proces.

> I'm seriously doubting the quality of how dmoz is run - and if there are resource issues, there's lots of us who'd love to jump in.
Unluckely many want to jump in for the wrong reasons (getting their site listed).

> Anyone else feeling these frustrations?
Probably some other webmasters. But as they are not our customers and we provide no service at all to them we are not able to do something about that frustration.

> PS: great categorizing of content and sites, but a some key critical areas need help.
If you think there are some areas that you could give some help during your free time please apply to become an editor. (after the technical problems are solved)


Apr 5, 2004
there's lots of us who'd love to jump in ... some key critical areas need help.
So you will all apply to be editors just as soon as the technical problems are fixed? Great! :)

While you are waiting to apply, you are well-advised to read the ODP Guidelines and the FAQ and Advice provided here to help applicants be successful. (If a previous application has been rejected, please read the list of reasons carefully and then honestly address the issues raised.)

Although many current editors were initially unsuccessful, being accepted as an editor is not at all difficult provided the person is honest, follows the guidelines and the instructions on the form, and takes care with site selection, titles and descriptions. Good Luck, and we look forward to having your help. :)


Nov 7, 2006
It's always a great pleasure to have honest, new editors join with us, and many of us are more than happy to spend a lot of time (when we have it) helping you get on your feet and guiding you along, :) .

It's also a great pleasure to deal with the dishonest ones, and keep the Directory clean.:D
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