Quandary ~ Where should I submit in the interim?


Sep 11, 2005

I have a bit of a dilemma and having scourered the ODP for some 5 hours now, I can no longer see the wood for the trees. I'm wilting... that... or I'm in danger of throwing my PC out of the window with frustration :eek:

Would someone here mind giving me a hand or a few suggestions on where my website might best fit?

Basically, I submitted the website www.intoafrica2006.co.uk for review under the category Recreation/Travel/Travelogues/Africa/ I now realise this was wrong. After the trip has taken place it will be okay there, but not now!! I need to find a 'temporary' home for this website for the next 10 months or so.

At the moment the website details the 'preparations' for a school expedition to Namibia, Botswana and Zambia in July 2006. It is privately funded by the students themselves and will include a community project. It isn't a travelogue YET, but it will be in a years time.

You name it, I've been there... Reference, Recreation, Educational, Study Abroad, Students, Camping, Backpacking, Adventure, Summer Camps, Travel, Working Holidays, Teens, Gap Years (which it isn't because the kids are still at school). Lots of the categories relate to tour companies/operators. The school expedition doesn't fall under that umbrella.

HELP! A million thanks of course.



Sep 11, 2005

Thank you. While I don't think that is the right place either, I do think your suggestion has helped. :D

The description for your link reads
Early years (playgroups and nursery), infant, junior and primary schools in Upminster should be posted here.
The school is in fact, a secondary school, but if I follow the next logical link i.e. to the secondary school section Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: England: Essex: Education it says
Location for state secondary schools in Havering
The school involved with this expedition, has its own entry BUT.... I do think (well I hope so anyway) I could put a submission here because I've just noticed that one of the other schools in our locality has submitted their Rugby tour website here, along with their main school website. I'm assuming our school could have two entries as well e.g. the main website and this new expedition website.

In this case... another question if I may? Obviously, I want to avoid being regarded as a spammer.

What do I do now that I have submitted the site improperly?

Should I write directly to the editor of the travelogue section in Africa (where I originally proposed the site should go) and ask him to move it (on my behalf) for consideration by the editor of Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: England: Essex: Education. That way I assume I have only submitted it once.

Or... do I resubmit to the new category, but add a note at the end of the description, as follows:- (suggested improperly to Recreation/Travel/Travelogues/Africa)

Which, in your opinion, would be the best way for me to proceed now. Many thanks again for your help. It is appreciated.



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Since your school is based in Upminster, websites concerning the school are eligible for a listing there. Just suggest your site to Upminster/Education and we'll handle the rest. You need do nothing further.

<added> I've removed the restriction in the category description which dates back to when the directory was organised slightly differently. Further maintenance work is required within Havering to bring it into line with current standards. </added>

<added2> Upminster is in the London borough of Havering and is no longer in Essex. </added2>


Sep 11, 2005
I've just made the submission to Upminster/Education as you suggest.

My grateful thanks once again.



May 26, 2002
No problem. Since you are in that area, are you aware of any other content-rich web sites for local groups or organisations that we haven't yet listed?

Could you perhaps find and suggest half a dozen, or so? The suggestion link is for anyone to suggest a site, not just the owner/designer!
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