query about updating and abuse


Mar 14, 2004
Can I ask, what are the specific rules for updating a site?
I ask because a particular web page is being updated every two or three days, listed under my name for search purposes, but with the sole purpose of subjecting me and my work to ridicule and abuse.
No changes are being made to the page, so how can it be updated every other day?

The page deals with several names, of which I am just one, so there's no logical reason for it to be listed under my name. I'm the only one being abused, and the entry concerning me is in bold.

I've written to ask for the abuse to be removed, with no helpful response. I've also complained to the ODP, but the page remains.

If nothing else, can it not be taken off the listings for my name?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'm sorry, but what you are saying makes no sense.

This forum is about the Open Directory Project, and if the page isn't listed here, we have no interest in it. Is it listed here? In which category? What's the URL?

Second, we have no control over when a page is updated: we don't review it every time it's updated, and by looking at our categories, you can't tell when it's updated. Are you suggesting that the CATEGORY LISTING is updated several times a week? (Not that I can still figure out how that would matter to anyone, you only see one version at a time. But there might conceivably be some other problem involved -- it's hard to see why the point in changing a listing once you get it right.)

And if a listing is involved -- is there an entire category for you? otherwise the "listings for my name" doesn't correspond to concepts we have.

Anyway, name the URL and category, and maybe we can look at it and see a problem.
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