Question about updating a listing


Dec 12, 2011
My company name is still listed in the ODP but no longer viewable under a specific category. I can find the listing by typing in my company name and then clicking 'search'. A while back, I decided to significantly enhance the website and unwisely first removed the old website (for some time) from the Internet while doing the upgrading. Thus, I certainly understand why it was removed from the ODP category. The website enhancement consisted of adding a lot of pictures, graphics and additional content (e.g., educational articles). I also changed the URL name, and I added an alternate company name; both to improve the marketing of my consulting services. The company name in the ODP is still the official legal company name. Despite these cosmetic changes, the services I provide have remained unchanged.

Late last year, I submitted the new URL to the ODP (with the new alternate company name) for review. At the time, I checked to see if I was still in the ODP by typing in the old URL. The response came up negative. I did not think of typing in the company name at the time. Here is my question. Should I just continue to wait for an evaluation of this new submission or should I contact someone? Essentially, I am not certain if what I did to my website (and name) qualifies as an ‘Update' of a listing. Your advice would be very much appreciated.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Just wait for the suggestion to be processed.
When that will happen is something we do not know.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Once a site is removed from the category, it's a new suggestion, not an update...
The sticky search results are a bug that we are aware of.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.