Question for Forum Members on listing


Feb 8, 2007
I have been trying for many months to submit my site and get it in the directory. I have waited for 2-3 months between each submission and nothing ever happens. No emails no listing, nothing. Can anyone help me with this?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
We only can try to help you understand the DMOZ process.

First of all you can't submit a site to get it in the directory. You can only suggest a site to the editors. Sometime after you suggested the site one of the editors will look at the site and decide if it is listable, which we call review. You will not be noticed when an editor reviews the site, bot when it is listed and not when it is rejected. Once a site is suggested it will never be removed from the pool with site to be reviewed. So there is no reason to suggest a site more than once. If you suggest a site every few months to the same category the odl suggestion will be overwritten. And for those editors who review sites on date it was suggested you just put your site at the end of their todo list. But not all editors review sites in order of date. If you suggest a site to several categories you are spamming the directory, which may eventualy result is a ban of you and all of your sites.

So. You have suggested your site. That is good (if it is a listable site). There is nothing more you can do in relation to a listing of the site in DMOZ.

Jim Blachford

Feb 13, 2007

I'm not sure how many editors the system currently has, it would appear not enough.

I would volunteer my services, but it appears the register to become an editor page is not working and hasn't for a while from what I can tell.

It's a waiting game........

The problem with the internet is everyone wants it yesterday!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Jim, more volunteers would be appreciated. Yes, we can't take new volunteers: we had a bad system crash in September (sort of like Pharoah had a bad year with restive slaves and pesky vermin and bad weather even) and the server farm is still being reconstructed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.