Question please


Feb 1, 2006
I submitted my site approximately a year ago, waited the requested 30 days, and resubmitted. Since that time, I have seen very few edits or changes in the requested category, (Business: Agriculture and Forestry: Consulting) which may mean that the editor is busy elsewhere. A friend with a similarly focused site submitted his site, at an earlier date, to a different category (Regional: North America: United States: North Carolina: Localities: R: Raleigh: Business and Economy: Industrial ) and has been accepted. My question is, have I made an error in my selection of a category? Is there a moderator or forum member that would be willing to offer an opinion, if permitted, as to the correct category?


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
4ster said:
I submitted my site approximately a year ago, waited the requested 30 days, and resubmitted.
Missed that somewhere? To my knowledge the guidelines have always been
But the only harm done with one re-suggestion is that it might possibly slow the review process down some.

4ster said:
Since that time, I have seen very few edits or changes in the requested category, (Business: Agriculture and Forestry: Consulting) which may mean that the editor is busy elsewhere.
There is not a "the editor" but in fact there are "many editors" as there are over 200 editors with permissions to edit in any category in the directory. Your conclusion here is the most probable though. Editors most likely have been busy (we call it interested) in other categories and no one has had a chance to review the suggestion. This is the most common reason listable sites haven't been reviewed yet.

4ster said:
A friend with a similarly focused site submitted his site, at an earlier date, to a different category (Regional: North America: United States: North Carolina: Localities: R: Raleigh: Business and Economy: Industrial ) and has been accepted. My question is, have I made an error in my selection of a category? Is there a moderator or forum member that would be willing to offer an opinion, if permitted, as to the correct category?
Some times (not always) regional listings occur a bit faster than topical ones. This isn't a product of more editors, active editors, or softer guidelines but instead that regional categories are often areas of interest for many editors. Editors often like to work on building there hometowns or states or countries so they may work through categories there quicker and more often. Not always a given and definately not for all editors but it might be one reason a regional listing occurs quicker than a topical one.

We are not going to discuss specific sites here, but in general if you have suggested the site to what you believe the single best category was then you did good. If it needs moved, an editor will take care of it. You can also suggest to the single most relevant Regional category if your site offers content about/pertaining to the locality.

Hope that helps.


Feb 1, 2006
Thank you shadow575,

I don’t know where I picked up the resubmit after 30 days. Possibly, I read too much into one of the forum responses. However, since it has been submitted, that is no longer important.

If I understand your last paragraph correctly, I may also submit to the single most relevant regional category.

Thank you for your insight.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Don't worry to much about the one resuggestion. Resuggesting once after 30 days to insure that there was no problem with the initial suggestion used to be (maybe still is by some) an often recommended opinion. I don't see any reason these days to bother. You typically know immediately (by the thank you page) that the submission went through and was accepted, a second resuggestion after 30 days would over-write the previous one and that is about all. If an editor chose to review the suggested sites by date of suggestion the re-suggestion would sink back down to the bottom of the pool. Otherwise there wouldn't be any difference at all.

If you site offers content relevant to a Regional category (such as it offers physical locations for customers to visit) then yes, you can suggest it once to the best Regional subcat that applies to the content.

Hope that helps.


Aug 29, 2005
I wonder how many people honestly thought you were supposed to submit every 30 days and have since had their urls banned and other sites they own banned. I am pretty sure I submit about once a year which I thought was acceptable, but after reviewing the rules, it is apparent that I have broken them....maybe I have been banned.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
With as much competition as there is, you have to work hard to be totally shunned by the editing community. If you just repeatedly suggest to the same category, most of the time the system silently removes the duplicates (and no editor ever knows you were a trifle aggressive with the submittal form.) If a site is listable, and hasn't been shotgunned to many multiple categories, we typically just delete all but one of the submittals. Now, if a site HAS been shotgunned, there's a much better chance the editor will get carried away mole-whacking and whack one more mole than intended.

And, fact is, people who generate sites worth listing, are very seldom the sort of people who spam. It's just a completely different mentality. So from OUR point of view, it's hardly ever a problem.


Aug 29, 2005
Great piece of info that will give good people peace of mind. So many normal everyday webmasters are so afraid of google and dmoz and being hurt by them. But it seems the fact is, unless you are real scum you dont have much to worry about.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Agreed. I find that those who are actually concerned with being labeled a spammer often (usually?) aren't. That is because the ones I would consider spammers-know they are spamming and just don't care.
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