Question Regarding multi. Category submit.


Oct 17, 2004
Hello everyone,

I have a question concerning not only my site but other related sites to mine. (by "related" they are not affiliated with my site but have generally the same types of products.)

My site I currently edit is
It is listed under

I have inquired about adding my site to other categories in "Business" that my site would fall under. The response I received was that most editors prefer not to have one site listed more than once in the "Business" Categories.

I would like to know not only for my site but for the other sites I edit if it is appropriate to add a site to a category in "Business" if it is already listed in a "Business" Category.

For the first example I would like to also have my site listed in
Why would my site not qualify to be placed in both categories.

A more important question to be answered is, if I find a site that can be appropriately listed in more than one business category how should I choose if they are equally qualified.

Now regarding other sites I have found. Here is a example This site is listed under multiple "Business" Categories. This site IMO is not very different from

Thank you for taking time to read my question.
P.S. This question is not ment to be a rant. Just a truthfull question.


Jan 23, 2003
The response I received was that most editors prefer not to have one site listed more than once in the "Business" Categories.

As answers go, that is a very good one. Ther are some notable exceptions to the single topical listing guideline: many business are eligible for consideration within Regional/ based on their physical location, site can be in multiple categories within World/ if their site is fluently translated into multiple languages, and some branches of the tree have special rules, such as the recipe cats which allows for multiple listings if there are multipl recipes.

Beyond that, it often comes down to editor judgement. If an editor decides tha tthere is sufficient unique content, and that content is distinct from other content on a site, then the editor may add a second listing.

The problem is this: virtually every site owner believes their site is so wonderfully unique that it deserves to be in 13-1/2 different categories. They are almost always wrong because they are looking at it from the perspective of their industry, whereas we look at it from the perspective of the surfer.

To trot out an old example: if you make mens dress shoes, then start making sneakers, bowling shoes, women's high heels and baby booties you could/would argue mightily that those are totally different things and each deserves a listing. We'll listen politely, nod at the right time, then ignore the request because in our mind they are all footwear.

I cannot think of a single time I have granted an additional category because someone requested it; I can think of a handful of times I have granted an additional category because the site content demanded it.


Oct 17, 2004
Thank you for your reply. I totaly agree with your responce. (regarding the shoes)

After looking at alot of the categories related to industrial machinery, alot of the categories are repeating and IMO should be condenced insted of creating more subcategories.

Here is an example that I did find:,_Jars_and_Cans/Machinery_and_Equipment/
In this category I found mulitple sites here is a example:

I belive this site would be more better placed in:

By having additional not needed categories some sites are not placed in the best categories.


Aug 2, 2002
Well they seem to make bottles so I can't see any reason for a change - it might help if the site wasn't painfully slow. But anyone can suggest an update, not just the site owner, and the editor will consider the matter.


Oct 17, 2004
Just to point out they don't make bottles, they sell machinery to fill bottles.

Thank you both for the information.
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