Question regarding resubmitting site when content is added

Dec 15, 2006
My question relates to new content that is going to be added to our site and whether we should resubmit our listing in DMOZ for review regarding that area.

Not wanting to inappropriately submit outside DMOZ guidelines, I thought I should ask before doing any submissions or request for reviews.

We have 4 sites: <urls removed>

Our <url> site seems to me to be appropriately listed in DMOZ in the Shopping: Pets: Supplies: Varied Merchandise category We sell supplies for dogs, cats, birds, small animals and reptiles.

However, related to that site, we also sell pet pharmaceuticals (only with a valid prescription) and we are about to add equine/horse supplies to that site.

Since horse items don't naturally come to mind when one thinks of "pets" I'm wondering if we should resubmit the site for review so an editor can consider that item, and then also have the pharmaceuticals side of things reviewed too, in that prescription pharmaceuticals don't naturally fall under "pet supplies" either it seems.

I understand that DMOZ is to be commercial free and appreciate that. So my question really is about how to handle the above kind of items without creating issues with our listing, as we want to handle this correctly.

Then on a related item, is our <url> site sells live fish and fish hardgoods, with <url> being the place where we sell plants and so on for aquariums.

I don't find us in the director on those, so I assume even though these are owned by us, and since there is a separate category in DMOZ Shopping: Pets: Fish: Livestock: for example, that it is appropriate to submit these sites, and that such submissions would not be viewed as problematic by DMOZ.

Any advice you can give on how to handle the above items would be greatly appreciated, so that we handle submissions within the guidelines of DMOZ.




Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
Our <url> site seems to me to be appropriately listed in DMOZ in the Shopping: Pets: Supplies: Varied Merchandise category We sell supplies for dogs, cats, birds, small animals and reptiles.
Whereas a site may be considered for listing in more than one category, we ask for only one suggestion to a topical category with a description covering the entire site(s). The reviewing editor then determines how to resolve any anomalies. Where multiple sites are under one ownership we will usually only list one url, leaving it up to the owner to cross reference the other urls from it.

In your case I would suggest that, when the update url request is available, you request an update of the current description with a note identifying the other urls. This will allow an editor with expertese in that area to handle it easily.



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I imagine that all of your new website sections are linked from the home page of the original.

If not, why not? (If you don't want to link to them, why ever would we :D ?)
Dec 15, 2006
Thanks for the help in how to go about this.

When the functions are working again on DMOZ, I'll follow as you suggest, with a request for updating our description and a note regarding the other URLS.

Our sites are all linked Jim. Good point on that however! :D

Thanks again! :)
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