question regarding site submission content



I spent some time reading the submission guidelines for DMOZ, which specifiy that only sites with unique and relevant content would be accepted. Keeping this in mind, I went and began checking sites listed under certain categories (I am purposefully being general, but will go into specifics if asked). What I found is that the majority of sites offered nothing unique from each other. Rather than being accepted on the basis of uniqueness, it seems as if they were accepted based on how much they could draw out the same well-worn topics. Could you please clarify this issue for me, as it seems that this is occuring throughout DMOZ. And if categories are not meant to be that way, what do you suggest be done in order to influence changes, particularly if a category editor is not active and has not reviewed new sites.



Jan 23, 2003
Without getting into specifics, I can tell you that the standard for inclusion in the directory have "tightened" as the directory has grown, and we must admit that there are a good number of listed sites from several years ago that would not get listed if reviewed today.

The editors have avoided going on a "content jihad" to remove old sites, preferring to clean out individual categories when other "quality" work is being done.

So yes, in broad terms, your observation is most likely correct.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.