Question to the editors

Bev Francis

Mar 13, 2007
Updating Listing - Question to the editors

Following on from my questions on updating listings (see thread, No reply to attempt up update listing), could someone give me an answer to this please?

If I am trying to promote my listing from a category that has an editor, to a category one level up that does not have an editor, what are the chances of my request being accepted?


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
If the site is inapropriate for the category it is currently listed in, because it does not have content belonging in the category: Very Good.

If the listing has some content belonging in the category, but most of the websites content does not fit: Good.

If the listing has just some content that is broader than the category it is currently listed in, but the main content fits the category: bad.

(Assuming that the parent category already has some listings in it, which means it is not a category we generally don't list sites in)

Especially when talking about update requests, it is mostly of no importance if an editor is listed or not (except for languages spoken only by few editors). Most update requests are actually handled by editors somewhere higher up in the tree or with the permission to edit the whole directory.

And a minor request: Please try to use more informative thread titles in the future. It helps us in identifying specific threads.
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