Questions about submitting real estate sites

Jan 4, 2005
I'm interested in submitting a website for a residential community, and I was wondering which subcategory I should submit it to under its locality? As I understand it, I should submit it to:


and then if that locality has a "Real Estate" subcategory under "Business and Economy", I should submit it there, right? In this case, though, the specific town for this community isn't big enough to have a "Real Estate" subcategory, so when submitting it, should I move up the directory one level to "Business and Economy" or should I submit to the "TownName" category?

In a broader sense, what throws me off is the classification of "Real Estate" as a subcategory of "Business and Economy" because real estate is both an industry of business, but it's also the place that people call home and I guess I tend to think of it more in the latter sense. With that in mind, has the ODP considered making "Real Estate" its own subcategory under each locality?

Thanks in advance for any input.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Always suggest to the most specific category appropriate -- in this case, that would be the B&E category, if there is no RE category.

In a case like this, where there aren't likely to be THAT many site suggestions, and where both places are close together (so that someone editing the town category is likely to look at the subcategories anyway) it probably doesn't make much difference.

The foolish and selfdestructive mistake (a frequent one) is to suggest to the STATE RE category, or to the wrong locality category. But even these suggestions will still end up at the right place -- eventually.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
it's also the place that people call home and I guess I tend to think of it more in the latter sense. With that in mind, has the ODP considered making "Real Estate" its own subcategory under each locality?
The sites in the locality real estate sites are generally companies in the business of buying, selling, or renting property or supporting those who buy, sell, or rent property. I have yet to see a real estate site that wasn't, ultimately, about the *business* of real estate. Business and Economy is exactly where it should be.


Jan 23, 2003
And, whatever you do, don't submit to the guides and directories subcategory. I real estate agent site is neither.
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