Questions Re: Re-submitting a jewelry site that has been fully redesigned (essentially a brand new s


New Member
Jan 10, 2013
Hi there,

My boss submitted his site in 2009, when he began his custom jewellery design business. I joined the company last year, and since that time, both the business and the website have undergone substantial transformation. In December 2012, we launched a brand new website under the same URL.

The new site is (what I believe to be) a more suitable candidate to be considered for the ODP. It contains a great deal of interesting, unique and relevant information regarding gems and jewelry, along with tips and advice. After much thought over the appropriate category, I re-submitted the new site for consideration.

Even though the site has been totally re-done, it has the same URL as the one that was submitted in 2009, and I’m worried that this may prevent the new site from being considered. I know re-submitting is a big no-no.

I truly respect what you guys do, and I realize that it can (understandably) take a very long time for a submission to be evaluated. I also recognize that it is possible that the old website wasn’t rejected (as I initially assumed), and was actually still waiting to be evaluated. If this is the case, I understand and accept the fact that I would have bumped us to the back of the line.

I just want to make sure that it is okay that I submitted the new, re-designed site, even though it has the same URL the site submitted in the past (in 2009).

If possible, I would also like to suggest the new site for our city’s Business & Economy category (which is suggested in other posts); however, I do not want to do so if in any way it could be considered spamming.

Any information, input or advice would be enormously appreciated!

Thank you kindly.

PS. I sincerely apologize if a similar question has been answered previously in the forums. I spent several hours searching but was unable to find an answer.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Somebody using your email address re-suggested it to a topical category with a promotional description on 2012-12-23 and it was suggested to its locality about a year ago.

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestions in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.
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