Questions related to my category's editor


Aug 29, 2007
I've been trying to get listed for about a year. I've been trying to become an editor for a month. (That's just background. I'm not complaining. :)

I noticed that the category I'm interested in shows there's a category editor. That wasn't there a month ago. Does that mean the category didn't have an editor before? Or, was there an editor, but they were just not being listed before? Is listing the editor a new feature?

I noticed I can email the editor. Will I be hurting my chances if I ask them anything? What are acceptable reasons to email them?

I also notice that I can CC the staff. What types of things would the staff be interested in knowing about?

I've read that no one editor controls a category, so why is a single editor listed? Are there more, but only one is chosen to be contacted?




Oct 29, 2006
Does that mean the category didn't have an editor before?
No, it means there wasn't an editor that was named in the category, that had edited in the previous 4 months. Any editor from any higher level could (and would on occasion) edit there.
Or, was there an editor, but they were just not being listed before?
This is a possibility but only in the case where an editor had timed out (mot made an edit for 4 months) which would have removed their name from the category, then later been reinstated and made an edit there. ie it is possible, but not likely.
Is listing the editor a new feature?
No, it has been around for a long time, not sure of in 1998, but certainly in the 5+ years I've been editing
Will I be hurting my chances if I ask them anything? What are acceptable reasons to email them?
You shouldn't be hurting your chances of a site being reviewed - although realise you are dealing with a human, and you won't help by making an editor defensive.
The reality of the feedback system is that whilst you can use it to raise a concern with an editor, you shouldn't use it to promote one site over another, and you may, but are unlikely to, recieve a response. Editors should be reading the feedback, but are not encouraged to respond. Unfortunately a case of the whackos that spoil things for the rest of us - editors have in the past been stalked and threats of physical violence made to them. By all means send an email, don't be disappointed if you don't get a response though.
I also notice that I can CC the staff. What types of things would the staff be interested in knowing about?
In case of dispute with the editor it would provide a record of what was said, that's about it. Originally I think it was intended as one of the abuse reporting tools (send email to the cat editor and staff), but that functionality now exists in the public abuse reporting system. I don't think it's worthwhile nowadays to CC Staff.
I've read that no one editor controls a category, so why is a single editor listed?
The editor is listed on a category when that is their only category, it is (one of) the higher level categories they can edit all categories below, or it is one they have chosen to keep as a pet category - either for personal interest or one they began editing in (sentimentality).
Are there more, but only one is chosen to be contacted?
There are always more, even the highest level editors have peers who can oversee, check, and correct listings they make. The one shown is not there solely as a contact person, see the previous answer.
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