Re-Categorization possible BEFORE review?


Apr 3, 2004
I submitted a site to a category and it has not been reviewed to date.

In retrospect, I wish I had submitted to a more regionalized (i.e. local) category instead.

I'm not concerned about the lag time for review as much as I think local might be a better fit for this site

Is it possible to pull a submital that is in the pipeline for review in another catgory and resubmit to a new category instead. Or is there a procedure to redirect it?


May 26, 2002
You are allowed one submission to a Topical (by Subject) category, and one submission to a /Regional (by Location) category. If this is you then just go ahead and submit. Both listing will be considered; and /Regional generally has a quicker review time.

If you submitted someplace, and you want to submit higher or lower in the same branch, then as long as there really was only one submission before then I would just re-submit, and maybe add a note to say "ignore my submission 2 levels above this one" or "ignore my submission in the lower 'silver polished widgets' sub-category". Only one listing will be considered.

In general, two submissions does not make you a spammer; unless it is the sort of site that should not be submitted at all.
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