Real Estate Sites Submissions


Oct 1, 2002
Before I waste your time and mine, I thought I'd clarify. We've done sites for three current real estate-related clients, and I've read the DMOZ Real Estate Guidelines. I had thought previously that only a company's website could be listed in DMOZ -- rather than that of someone who works for a company -- but the above guidelines make me think that may not be so.

With the understanding that no site is guaranteed inclusion in DMOZ (and that none of the sites are what are generally called "lead-generator sites", mirrors, redirects, etc.), and that none have previously been submitted, might the following be listed?

(a) Mortgage Broker
40-page site: services pages, articles, calculators
Site owned by broker who works for a company; the company does not "get" the Web and likely will never have a site.

(b) Mortgage Broker
15-page site: services pages, a couple of articles
Site owned by company owner

(c) Real Estate Agents
15-20 page site: services, areas pages
Site owned by three agents of a large-ish real estate company

If yes, I am thinking Regional/California.

What do you think?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
>>might the following be listed?

The answer would be "potentially". Without knowing the specific sites (and you don't really need to be specific here if you don't want to be), all we can really say is that mortgage brokers and real estate agents can be listed, in the locality where they are physically located but "can be" is not necessarily "will be" -- it depends on the specific sites.


Oct 1, 2002
Right, motsa, and thanks.

Yes, understood that it's always "can be", and not "will be". :)

My question, really, was based on my previous understanding acquired who knows where that only company sites would be acceptable (e.g., site (b) above) -- not sites of individual agents or brokers working for a company.

If that is the case, we'll go Regional/local according to the Guidelines. I've been holding (not submitting) a few individuals' sites, one for nearly a year.

I normally add my name (a "thank you" note) to submissions, so y'all will know it's me. If you want to see the sites first, I can do that too.


Jan 23, 2003
The key things are where the office is located, not where the agent does his/her thing, and be sure to drill down into the deepest possible subcategory.

Locality name

Not all localities go to the full depth, but where they do, please submit to the full depth, otherwise, submit to the deepest level that does exist.

Also, we appreciate it if you submit site titles using the real estate format, which is :

Agent Name - Agency Name
Joe Smith - Acme Realty


Oct 1, 2002
Thanks; that's great data.

Re the mortgage brokers, would the site title still be:

Agent Name - Agency Name
Joe Smith - Acme Realty


Company or Site Name
(Like a regular site title)

That is, to my understanding, in California, mortgage brokers are also technically real estate agents (although the reverse is not true), but the mortgage companies I deal with are offering loans only, and are not out finding and showing houses as a real estate agent would do and are not actively offering or publicizing real estate agent services.
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