reapplication dilemmas


Apr 21, 2013
I have just been denied the opportunity to become an editor in a niche subject in Malaysia (application user name jamesjazz)

I found the reviewers comments interesting:

'Our editor guidelines and a look at existing listings should help you to write acceptable titles and descriptions.'

I did not take a copy of my application but I can accept that I maybe put to much effort into checking and reviewing the sites that I deemed were appropriate for a listing in DMOZ and not enough thought into creating acceptable titles and descriptions.

After reading the open directory editor guidelines I can see there were a few mistakes such as using the '&' symbol.

I could definitely put more thought into writing acceptable descriptions that meet the open directory guidelines, I think maybe I was too fixated on the actual websites titles and descriptions that I did not describe what they represented.

While I understand it is ok to learn lessons and reapply to become an editor I have doubts in my mind whether this is a viable pursuit of my time.

In general I do not like to make assumptions but, in reapplying would the following two assumptions be correct?

The 3 websites I proposed are acceptable candidates for a listing
The 3 websites I proposed are in the correct listing

Although I have an affiliation with one of the suggested sites I have a vast amount of knowledge and a passion for reading original and new content on the said subject category.

Therefore I believe I have the potential to become an additional impartial asset to the DMOZ editorial team.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
The examples were fine but your proposed descriptions added no information to what could be deduced from the full category name and website titles. That's why we referred you to current listings and to our editor guidelines.

By all means try again using the same examples. (You didn't use an & in your examples listings by the way)


Apr 21, 2013
By all means try again using the same examples. (You didn't use an & in your examples listings by the way)

Ha Ha Ha, so I didn't use the & symbol in my proposed suggestions. :blush:

Ok, no worries, at least it has taught me a lesson to read the guidelines properly before submission.

I will re-submit an application and see how it goes (this time I will keep a copy for future reference :)


Apr 21, 2013
Well I have now re-applied after thoroughly reading the guidelines.

If I am unsuccessful now I will only have myself to blame.

I did change one of the sites I originally entered although I doubt this will have any impact on the end result.


Apr 21, 2013
Just wondering,

I found out my first application was unsuccessful very quickly (within 24 hours as I recall)

I am now assuming my second application is in a queue awaiting the attention of a volunteer meta editor.
If the above assumption is correct what is the estimated waiting time?

Or is it solely dependent on the selected category meaning it is impossible to give an estimated answer?
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