Reason for rejection inappropriate


Jun 25, 2004
Hello Editors,
I submitted my application just yesterday and I was rejected, editors comments were that you have not included your affiliations: those web sites you own or have created or marketed.
I clearly wrote in the affiliations field that I am not associated with any website doesn’t that mean that I dont have any website, I have not marketed any websites and I have not created any websites. I have read all the editorial guideleines and the reason that the editor has given is highly inappropriate, I would not mind if I was rejected but the reason for rejecting my submission is realy not making any sense.
The only thing I can understand from this is that In the experience/interest field I had written that I have been a manager of a jewelry store, I think the editor assumed that I have been a manager of a online shop but the fact is that I was a manager in a physical shop and not in an online shop and the place where I worked was not having a website.
I am sure that some senior editor will consider my request and reconsider my application.
I submitted yesterday to this category

If by any reason the application cannot be reconsidered can I again submit my application but the form does not go ahead as it says you have already submitted.

Thankyou very much
gulshan khan


Mar 25, 2002
We have no way to re-review a denied application, but it appears that you have resubmitted your application and it is currently waiting to be reviewed.
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