Reason why my site is not approved

ACE Consulting

New Member
Aug 10, 2016
Good afternoon

After 3 Years and a few requests done for my website <url removed> neither answer nor approvation has been done.

I don't understand the reason; the quality of the content is very high

In the same category (Certificazione energetica) have you accepted site with lower content quality

However if you do an audit on the site <url removed> will notice the quality of the content and visits from organic search are more than 1,200 monthly.

In Milan city (Italy), the site is very authoritative for the site of the city of Milan periodically asks us as a price of the energy certificates.

I hope before "discarding" the site you can also assess its quality because otherwise I can think that the editor on this category has personal interests to refuse my submissions

Thank you and good continuation of work

Best regards
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Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
We wiil never send a message when a website is reviewed.
After a website is suggested there are a few options
1. the website is not listable (you can check yourself by reading the DMOZ guidelines)
2. the website is listed (you can check by doing a search)
if not option 1 or 2 than only option 3 is possible
3. the website is still waiting review

In all 3 cases there is reason to suggest a website more than once.
So stop suggesting your website. In worst case this may be seen as spamming the system.

ACE Consulting

New Member
Aug 10, 2016
Ok it's clear,

I know that you don't provide any feedback, I was only surprised because the site after 3 years is not again approved.

Thanks for your clarification, I will wait .. fingers crossed :)

Best regards


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
The time it takes for a listing is totally variable, as editors are volunteers, and not forced to work to a schedule; so it's possible for a site to be listed before it is suggested, and also for it to take several years for a suggestion to be reviewed.
Editors review sites looking for "unique" and useful content to the viewer, so search results and graphic design (either good or bad) shouldn't affect things.

If you suspect editorial bias, we have an abuse reporting system, available from a link in every category - please bear in mind that to investigate we need facts such as dates, emails and screenshots rather than conjecture. In most cases the issue is simply option 3 above: no editor has reviewed the suggestion.

If you want to be part of the solution, you can apply to be an editor - Editors can add their own site(s) as long as they follow the editorial guidelines, and don't favor them over others. A brief look over the areas in which a site like yours could be published shows that the area isn't a particularly easy one for a new editor to start in. You'll need to pick a smallish category with less than a hundred listings (including subcategories). It may be easier to start out in an area that interests you (and not one where your site would be listed: a hobby, sport or locality), then apply for additional permissions once you've got the hang of editing. :)
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