Receipt For submission.


Oct 1, 2004
It seems very odd that i've made a submission request and its magically not there. I've done some other stuff in the past to, which happens to magically disappear too. Is there no way of providing a submission or update request receipt by email? Maybe the script needs to be reexamined.

Also maybe certain categories should be given higher priority than others on the basis of keyword requests. Mabye find out the top 1000 keywords typed into search engines and prioroties that way? At least that way you don't disappoint the millions of searchers in those specific types of site.

Is it worth resubmitting my site? Or am i just wasting my time with dmoz now, and maybe just realise the ways of the world and accept that the only way to get my site out there is PPC?


Mar 15, 2004
If you wish to check the status of a site suggestion, please use the appropriate submission forum and be sure to read the guidelines there.

The subject of mail reciepts has been discussed many times before on the forums (a quick search should turn up some threads).

Ad the ODP is not a search engine but a directory, keywords for search are not a consideration at all. Nor is prioritizing one subject area over another. Those kinds of activities we leave to the search engine folks.

If you do a submission check you can get a status on your submission, rather than just blindly resubmitting it.

Depending on any one particular technology or application of same for site promotion is never a good idea, including PPC.
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