Registration Problems.

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I have registered my site [url removed] to Dmoz very long but it still does not understand why not see listed.

My website has also completed and put into operation very stable.

You can share?

[url removed]


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
A site that is suggested for listing in Dmoz has to be reviewed by a volunteer editor before it is entered into the directory. Editors work where and when they want, and until an editor choses to edit in the category you suggested your site, and choses to review your site, it will wait for review. It is impossible to predict when the review will happen - it can be in a few days, or in several years' time.

Please do not suggest the site more than once, however, and only suggest it to the one best category. If you send it to several categories, it means extra work for the editors, which takes time away from reviewing (not just your site, but all suggested sites). Thank you! {moz}
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