Rejected sites - more than one category


Sep 25, 2004
ODP guidelines say that a site should only be submitted to one category.

I screwed up last year and submitted to more than one.

I was told (in no uncertain terms) that it had been rejected from one of the categories ( .

However, it might in theory still be in a list for review in News/Current_Events/Business_and_Economy.

This isn't a status request because I'm only providing the information above to make it easier to understand the context of my query.

My question is: if a site is rejected from a category, is it deleted at the same time from the table of sites awaiting review in other categories (where it shouldn't be in the first place)?


Mar 25, 2002
Based on that old thread, it appears that one of the two submissions was rejected - presumably the feeling being that it belonged better in the other category.

The submission to the other category was rejected because at the time of review the site was not working.

If you have not already done so, and if you are certain that the site is working, you should resubmit to the category where the rejection was based on a non-functioning site.

If you have already done that, then there is nothing more that you can do.

I hope this answers your question.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.