
This is very puzzling.

I already edit a small ODP category on passports and visas. I applied after I finished making a site for the US embassy in Canada - As the owner operator of [no adult URLs please] for the past 3 1/2 years I actually have more involvement in and knowledge of gay web site. I applied to edit a category about gay escorts in Las Vegas and was rejected.

The category *says* that it is in need of an editor. I've made web sites for and about local escorts. The category is woefully incomplete. But they say they don't need an editor. Why did they ask for an editor then? This seems very very strange to me.

And now I don't especially feel like applying to edit any more categories. What is going on here?

[Please do not post questions about Adult topics in this forum - apeuro]


The best thing to do is go to the New Editors forum at ODP and post in this thread: 'Come Here to Get "Your" Cat Checked'. The folks there will give you advice about making sure that your category is in good shape so you're likely to be granted another one.

Then go to the forum for the topic you're interested in (probably Adult) and ask what qualifications they want for that category.

An additional strategy is to build up your vision for the category you want - new sites, any subcats, etc - in your Bookmarks, and show it to the senior editors for that area. And then repect their suggestions! This is a good way to demonstrate what you have to offer.

The first few categories can be a bit of work to come by, while you build your skills and establish a record. But if you persevere, eventually you'll have as many categories as you know what to do with!


Mar 1, 2002
If you already are an ODP editor, please do not use this forum to ask questions, doubly so when it has to do with why your application to edit a certain category was rejected. Secondly, do not ask questions about Adult sites in this forum - we have a special "Adult" forum where these questions can be answered. PM any administrator and they will grant you access to this forum.

A rejection does NOT mean they don't want an editor. I don't understand how you would come to that conclusion.


Many small categories show up at the bottom as "needing and editor", when in fact there might already be an editor for the category just above it that is already taking care of it.
For example, if I have the /Widget category, and there is also /widgets/red and /widgets/blue, I am actually also taking care of the Red and Blue, but it may show that it needs an editor at the bottom of the sub categories.
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