Relationship between search and SE updates



Do the search engines (like Google) use the ODP search function to update their copies of the directory?

Reason I ask: My site appears in the directory as of Sep 19 but not yet in Search. I don't know when the next Google update will happen, and I'm wondering if this delay in the ODP Search will affect my chances of appearing in the Google directory in its next update.


DMOZ Meta/kMeta
Curlie Meta
Apr 3, 2002
Google uses the RDF file to update its copy of the directory - once a month in principle (but we have no information from them about the actual frequency or time-of-month, since Google is a data user like any other) - and not the ODP search function.

Other major data users use the RDF as well. A number of data users access the live ODP database, so if your site is listed, their users should see it.

More info here about Downloading ODP Data and How to Get ODP Data.
HTH <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


May 26, 2002
From a post I made 4 days ago in another thread:

The ODP search database is updated about once per week, but with recent down-time there have been some gaps in that schedule.

The data forming the ODP is dumped into an RDF file also about once per week. This has also been clobbered by the down-time on a few occasions.

The RDF dump is picked up by other directories and used to seed their own on a random timescale. Google drops by every month or so, but sometimes misses picking up, or perhaps the dump from the previous time is still in place.

I would say to allow 2 to 3 weeks to appear in dmoz search, after being listed in the directory, and another 2 to 3 months to appear in the Google directory (and/or Google search).

Some sites out there are still using copies of the RDF dump that they took 3 or more years ago, and which they have never updated.
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