Reliable Updates

When you say that DMOZ is having some "technical difficulty," what do you mean exactly? I mean, September 28! That's a long time to be down. Who's in charge of the systems there, or where ever? Can people volunteer to help fix the problem - whatever it is? With such a large directory, isn't it kind of ridiculous to not have index updates for so long? Really, not trying to offend, but it's about time this got fixed - and stayed more reliable.


Most editors agree with you. Our programming staff includes 1 person. She has to make sure the site runs properly, and run the RDF. She has been working very hard on the RDF, and most of us editors appreciate her work.

People can not volunteer to fix the problem (to my knowledge), many people have tryed already.


Mar 26, 2002
The problem is that it takes about a week to generate the RDF dump, so the sole programmer starts it up, waits a week, finds out it doesn't work, tries to fix it, waits a week, see that it didn't work, waits a week...

So she's gone through about 12 iterations of the edit-run-debug cycle, and it can take a lot more than that to track down and fix difficult problems.
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