Remove as an Editors Mad but sad also not a good way to treat me for giving my time.


Nov 18, 2004
I was remove as an editor for a category which i took care as often i get time every week from last 8-9 months. But today when i try to login my account was unactivated without giving a specific reason.
May be i did something wrong or may be i didn't and may be you removed me because somebody just file a revenge complain against me for not listing thier site on the category.
But i think all the volunteers editors including me deserve a email (a generic one) one line email atleast to let me know why did you remove me as an editors. After giving so my free time this is a bad way to treat any volunteer.

Even thought most of us are doin a volunteer work this is not the way to treat a editor. Anyway good luck and next time i would think twice about doin a volunteer work because i guess even if you work for money atleast you get money even if you don't respect.

Good Luck.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Editor logins inactive for four months are automatically inactivated. You can request reinstatement, and it's "almost" automatic (although a person actually does it.)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
As an (ex)editor you should know that there are 2 reasons for being removed.

The most common one:
You didn't make an edit in 4 months. As Hutcheson already wrote, just ask for a reinstatement.

The second one:
You violated the internal rules of ODP. Unless it was a very big violation which needed immediate attention you have always been warned before through personal communications.

As you did not tell what you editor name is we can not see what has happened to you.


Nov 18, 2004
well i don't think giving my username would make a difference.
I was taking care of HEALTH related small directory with 10 to 15 website. Its not even a popular directory.

I guess i don't know which one should apply me, anyway NO MORE CHARITY WORK FOR ME.

Your login was deactivated for one or more of the following reasons:
Repeated failure to comply with the Open Directory community's editorial guidelines and policies.
Continuous poor and/or abusive editing.
Self-promotion and biased editing, including, but not limited to, cooling your own site, title or description manipulation, unfairly editing your own sites or those with which you are affiliated.
Unfairly tampering with competitors' listings and submissions.
Inability to function well within the Open Directory community.
Uncivil and intentionally disruptive behavor.
Violation of Open Directory forum and email privacy.
Spamming the directory.
We do not disclose the specific details of login removals. However, the decision to deactivate your login was made by consensus of the meta community, and thoroughly reviewed by DMOZ staff to ensure that our decision was appropriate and warranted. Our decision to remove your login is final. Removed logins will not be reinstated, and you will not be granted a new login. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.


Aug 21, 2004
Sad indeed.

Like whatsup85, I was removed without a warning. After nearly 10,000 edits.

Unless it was a very big violation which needed immediate attention you have always been warned before through personal communications

Not true at all. Furthermore, as far as I'm concerned, there was no violation whatsoever. I can't even imagine what it might be. I just cried and cried all night, wondering, what could they possibly think I have done? Maybe this? No. Maybe that? No. This? Not possible. That? Wrong...

I certainly received no warning, no hint, no communication. I did notice some scant, but unusual activity in my site's raw logs from editor threads I don't have access to. But I didn't do anything wrong, so I didn't think anything of it. Really, I did nothing wrong.

It's all one big momnumental mistake.

Gotta go, have some more crying to do.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
If you would have used the same username here as your editorname on ODP we would be able to see what happened. No editor lanahilana ever existed.

Most probably you just timedout.


Aug 21, 2004
I certainly didn't time out, I was edited a couple of days ago.

My login name is different from my editor name.

I'll send it to you as a PM.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
I have seen the PM. I can see it wasn't a timeout. You must have done something very wrong to be removed. I am not in a position to know what the reason was. I have been told that editors who get removed always received several warnings. Only in very special situations where the integrity of ODP is in great danger editors will be removed without warning. I can't tell you anymore (as I don't know what happened) and I know that editors who can see the information won't tell you here (and probably not anywhere else). I'm sorry.


Aug 21, 2004

That's really a pity. I have not received a single warning. As I struggle to conceive of what I might have done that could be interpreted as wrong, I find it's an even larger stretch to imagine what could have been construed as "very" wrong, and warranting such drasting action.

I appreciate your taking the time to reply, and reaching out to the discarded leper I've suddenly become.


Curlie Meta
Jul 22, 2002
Warnings are not by any means automatic. If the abuse is blatant and deliberated, there is in some cases no point in warning as the editor community could never trust that editor again for the rest of his/her tenure.

All removals are public to all metas and Admins, including ODP staff, who will have perused editing logs and other proof of abuse.


Aug 2, 2002
Though extremely rare, mistakes have been made, personally I can think of only one that was reversed. Which makes it pretty exceptional. If you can think of anything that may have been misconstrued as grounds for removal then I guess you could privately send feedback to a meta or admin you trust explaining the situation. But as I understand it the processes for removal are extremely tight, requiring consensus and pretty damning evidence. Even more so if there have been no warnings to give an editor a chance to redeem or prove themselves. There are other directories and online communities who welcome volunteers, maybe there is a place for you in one of those and though I don't know who you are I wish you all the best in the future and thank you for the contribution you made whilst you were with us.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Further discussion of this removal is not appropriate for this forum so I'm closing this thread.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.