Removed from directory


Nov 5, 2006
I submited a link and It was accpeted Feb 2006. After a month I submited couple more links in different directories. After a while My first link is removed from the directory. None of the links were accepted. All the links are from same domain but different urls with different topics.

Q1: Can I still submit any another url? Or do I need to consider my domain is banned?

Q2: I am not sure what mistake I did. Is it possible to correct my mistake?

Any suggestion(s) is greatly appreciated.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The most obvious mistake was submitting multiple related links -- you may have read the submittal policies, where you can see how bad a mistake it is -- it has the severest penalty mentioned in the entire policy.

But I think it unlikely that was the fundamental problem. There is, in my experience, an extremely high correlation between people who think they should get multiple listings, and sites which should not be listed at all. I would therefore assume that, whatever you're putting on these sites, it's not something the ODP is likely to be interested in. And the mistake would be in pursuing the ODP further rather than freeing up your time for productive activities.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
As for what you can do now, I'd first check whether your site(s) is/are listable under out Site Selection Criteria. Then if it is, submit the once-listed URL one more time to the single best category -- when this URL is reviewed again, it will all but rule out the possibility of human error in the de-listing that occurred. Do NOT try to submit any other related URLs.

Unfortunately, since there are a finite number of volunteer editors and many sites suggested for review by members of the public, we can't offer any time scale for reviews to take place. You can also understand what would happen if posts made in this forum resulted in quicker reviews, so I'm afraid you'll just have to wait patiently like everyone else...
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