Replacing a listing


New Member
Jan 1, 2011
Hi, is it possible to update or replace a listing which is referring to a closed site?
i was able to identify a listing in one of dmoz category that shows on their home page website is closed! I am hoping that i can replace their unused or dead listing with a new listing that i wish to suggest! if i can do so, could you please advise who to contact or how to go about it?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
At the top of the category page in which this website is listed you will find a link called "update listing".
Click that link and follow the instructions.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If the "new listing" isn't the new URL for the same site (or the website of the same person or organization) then there can be no talk of "replacement". (There aren't a limited number of slots that, when filled, keep other sites from being added. When a listing is removed, its slot simply disappears. When a listing is added, a slot is added for it.)

If a site is no longer valid, then please tell us about it, the listing should be removed. If a site has moved, please tell us, the listing should be updated. If a site isn't listed, please tell us, a listing may be added. But you can't ever assume that any editor will do any two separate edits at the same time--in fact, you can't assume that any two edits will be done by the same editor.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.